Every Season Part 1

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I'm so sorry it took so long but here's the long awaited (and long overdue might I add) Chapter I been working on....Enjoy 😌

I just finished getting dressed for Berk's basketball game. Jasmine told me it's some big event they do every year at Wilson Park. It's suppose to be food trucks, the radio station, and different activities. She told me the whole LA comes out just to see the tournament.

I slid on my shoes and walked out the door to head over to meet Jasmine who was waiting for me outside.

"Wassup girl looking gorgeous as usual." She said as I walked up.

"You look good to." She had on a regular white T-shirt and some ripped jeans. She had on some white Tory Berch flip flops. Very casual but very cute.

"It's better if we walk cause the whole LA is gonna be trynna park over there

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"It's better if we walk cause the whole LA is gonna be trynna park over there. It's only a couple of blocks away."

"That's fine. So what you been up to?" I asked as we started walking.

"Girl I been lonely as hell. Joshua been working like nonstop. But that leaves me a little time to work on makeup looks."

Jas had told me that she does makeup and is currently in cosmetology school. I would consider enrolling in cosmetology school as well because I love doing hair. All different types of styles like braids, wigs, sew ins. It didn't matter the style I would try to do it.

"Since we're on the topic, do you know if your school has any openings?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me? The program is practically me and 5 other girls. Nobody thinks of getting their license you should definitely think about applying."

"I'm really considering it cause I be bored in the house all day when I'm not with you. I need to get a job or get in school or im going to go crazy." I said laughing.

"Girl you just need a little boo. What's going on with you and Roddy?" She asked.

"Nothing at all. Seems like he's too busy for a girl." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Just keep coming around. Their work will slow down. But if you don't wanna wait, this is the perfect place to meet some potential guys." She said as we walked up to the entrance of the event. A giant sign was on the gate that read "5th Annual Best of the West"

"You weren't lying, its people everywhere." Looking around I saw people in every direction. There was food stands and trucks. I saw some break dancers. I even saw a clown making balloon animals for the kids.

"You want some ice cream ?" Jasmine asked pointing to the stand where they were selling different flavors.

"Yeah it's hot as hell out here." I said fanning my face with my hand. We got in the line with three people ahead of us.

"Wassup." I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned I saw Rayvon he was with afew other guys. I was surprised he stopped to talk to me seeing as though he never used the number I gave him.

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