Made For It

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I had just got my nails and feet done and now I'm walking around the mall. My mom let our next door neighbor Mrs. Regina baby sit Hakeem so that I could go out since I've been in the house with him for a month. She watches other kids there during the week when their parents are at work.

I went through a couple of stores and picked up a few things. I decided to stop in Bloomingdales and see what new purses they had. While I was looking at the purses a boy walked up to me and started looking in the same section where I was. He picked up a purse and stared at it for a second.

"Excuse me." He said to me. I looked over and he was real handsome.

"What you think about this bag?" He asked

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"What you think about this bag?" He asked. It was a Chanel bag.

"It's cute, but it's for spring not summer." I said and he looked at it then looked at me.

"How you know?" He asked. I laughed a little because boys are so clueless when it comes to this.

"Because of the pastel tones. Something like this" I said showing him the bag I already had in my hand. "Is for summer. She how all the colors are brighter?" He nodded his hand like he understood what I was saying. He picked up another one of the bags that I had.

"I'm sorry if I'm taking your time away, but do you think you can help me find some shoes that match this?" He asked. It was employees that could've helped him but I decided to help him out since I didn't have anything better to do and he was cute.

"Yea sure." I showed him to where all the shoes were.

"She not really a heels type of girl. You think they got some slides or sandals that would go with this? It's for my little sister." He asked me.

"Well these hot pink ones are really nice and these match nice." He nodded his head looking at the shoe. He asked one of the workers for a size 7 and headed to the register.

"To say thank you I wanna buy this bag for you." He said taking the bag I had out my hand and putting it with his stuff to ring up.

"No that's okay. This bag is like 500 dollars." I said reaching for it back but he held his arm out blocking me from getting it.

"It look like I'm struggling?" He asked. It really didn't seeing as though he had on a red Balmain shirt on with black Balmain jeans and black Louboutin sneakers on. He had two gold chains around his neck and one diamond stud in his ear.

"No, but-"

"So let me say thank you in my way." He said pulling some money out his pocket and handing it to the women behind the cash register. I was in shock that this man really bought me a bag. He didn't look any older than 21, but he had to be in the streets to be able to afford this.

He handed me the bag and we walked to the door. I still felt uncomfortable taking the bag, but what else could I do?

"Thank you again. I'm still a little shocked that you bought me this purse." I said to him.

"You good. I'm Rayvon by the way, but you can call me Von."

"I'm Chanel." I said and he nodded.

"I would ask you for your number, but I feel like imma see you again so imma wait until the next time I see you." He said.

"Thank you again for you help beautiful." With that he walked away leaving me distraught.

"You all are probably wondering why I brought you here." My boss James said from the head of the table and he was right.

He had called a meeting, but it was only about eleven of us in here. It was the highest ranked people in our drug chain in this room so I was skeptical as to why he invited me.

"Our association has been invited to a formal business gala this Saturday." Everybody stayed quiet letting him finish telling us about this "gala" before we asked any questions.

James was a old head who wasn't just tied to the drug game but owned various businesses throughout the Los Angeles area. All of them were cover up businesses that were built off  of drug money and also help to make his illegal money look like legal money. He was a real smart dude and I looked up to him in many ways.

"So what I need all of you to do is buy a nice suit and don't embarrass me." He said looking around the room. "Bring a date if you want to also. It will be the biggest event of the summer and I'm expecting you all to represent me well."

"What is this gala about exactly?" A dude named Mike who was the manager at one of the clubs James owned.

"This is for business owners of the West Coast to form unity. Something about keeping the streets safe for the summer time. You will all get a bonus for attending." He said.

"Anymore questions?" Everyone looked around, but nobody spoke up. "Good. Meeting concluded thank you for coming and I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday evening." Everyone got up from the table and I went to talk to him.

"Wassup young bull?" James said dapping me up. "I was hoping you'd come talk to me."

"I was wondering what part I play in all of this? I'm not part of the business side." I said knowing he had something going on that I didn't know about.

"Roddy I knew from when you started working for me you were gonna go far in this business. I know you don't wanna work in that trap house forever. This is the start of me getting some things lined up for you so you can move up." He said surprising me.

"But you don't have to worry about all that yet. All you have to worry about is going to buy a suit and coming and mingling with these business men on Saturday." I nodded my head.

"And leave all that street shit at home. There might be some niggas in here that you don't fuck with but this not the place to be about no beef." He said looking into my eyes.

"Alright. I'll see you Saturday." I said shaking his hand.

Damn I gotta go buy a damn suit.


Authors Note 💖

Short little filler chapter to introduce some characters.

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