He cleared his throat and took a drink of water and then he continued.

"When she arrived in Morocco she was escorted to the compound of the coven. Once she had given the twins over to one of the handmaidens of the witches. She was escorted to her rooms and allowed time to freshen up before the ritual was to start. What she dressed herself in shocked even a strigoi me..." Darius shook his head at the memory.

"How so?"

"She had dressed her self in two strips of VERY sheer silk that were so sheer that they were transparent. Underneath she was naked. One strip of the silk was tied to cover the center of her derrière, then it was thrown over her shoulders and fell all the way to the floor. Because of the way she wrapped the rest of the silk you could see everything. Around her wrists and ankles were anklets and bracelets of gold. She honestly looked like she was trying to make herself look like a slutty haram girl from ages past. When she walked into the sacrificial chamber I was already seated on one of the cushions and there were several other large cushions spread all around the room in a circle on the floor. The entirety of the center of the room was left open and in the middle of the room was a huge brass claw foot bath tub. Above the tub hung two very large thick metal hooks, like meat hooks from a stock yard or a slaughter house. Once the witches had said words that I have no idea what were or what language they were in. They drove the hooks through one of each of the twins feet and listened to them scream for a while as they themselves cackled constantly. Just like you would expect from old cartoon or movie witches. Then with a pair of ceremonial daggers the children's throats were slit all the way to their spines. Then they were left hanging to be sure that their entire blood volume drained out into this tub."

The entire room filled with gasps, sobs and words of disgust.

"Order please, let us have order. I realize that this is not something that is easy to listen to, trust me. And if you can't bare to hear anymore please quietly make your way from the hall. No one will ever say anything about it, I promise." The mother of my children said.

We waited as a little more than a dozen people made their way out of the room. Most of them women in tears, probably mothers themselves. They were reacting the same way that my Roza and I had the first time that we heard this. After we were locked in our bedroom in our palace, far away from prying eyes and ears.

"Please continue Lord Taurus." I said as I squeezed the trembling hand of my fiancée.

"Once the bodies of the twins were bereft of their entire blood volume. The handmaidens pushed the hooks away from the tub..."

"Where the children still hanging from the hooks?" Lord Rufus asked.

"Yes. A part of the ritual, that they were preforming, was that the bodies of the children were to be left hanging there until their bodies decade and rotted away."

"I understand, thank you."

Darius just nodded.

"What happened then?"

"The witches explained what was about to happen..."

"Can you tell us?"

"They told Tasha that the blood of a pair of three month old human twins, one male one female. Once the ritual slaughter had been performed, the blood mixed with each other and a few other ingredients and the spell said over the blood. Then it was said that the blood had the power to keep someone who bathed in their blood young. That is when Tasha got into an argument with the witches saying that she should receive the honor of going into the tub first. Because it was she that had taken the chances of obtaining the sacrifices. After arguing amongst themselves it was decided that Tasha would be allowed to go first since she had taken the most risks. Over the next hour and a half Tasha soaked in the tub, she even drank some of the blood. At one time she was fully submerged in the blood, her hair and body covered in it. After she finally got out the others took their turns."

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