Chapter 7: Fliegen Per Sparčiai Didėjančias Tuulet

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After about 3 weeks in Willow Dale Ophelia and Demios began to make some progress with Ophelia learning to fly, it happened when Demios and Fernal were training, (obviously hidden so that Ophelia could watch and practice flight.) Demios was learning some defensive stances when on the retreat from a opponent, Ophelia was trying to keep awake and watch but kept nodding of now and then, Demios could sense this with these link, and eventually the this lead to Ophelia rolling over on her back and then falling of the ledge she was sitting on, Demios noticed this and because she was still only small worried for her so he accidently yelped as he bolted to try and catch her. It turned out that he did not need to catch her and she woke up and turned her body flapping her wings hard. Demios's jaw dropped as he instead of falling Ophelia began to rise, pride hit Demios like a hammer as Ophelia's emotion washed over him. "Yes! Your flying Ophelia your flying!" Demios screamed as he ran over and she floated eye level to Demios Look at me I can fly I can fly!  Ophelia said wobbling from left to right I have one question though Demios um... How do I land?

After a while of helping Ophelia land (Demios wanted her to do it herself so she would learn, that's why he didn't hold her and place her down) when that was done they were about to set off back home when Fernal said "Demios? Why haven't you told anyone about Ophelia yet? I thought you were going to tell everyone weeks ago. So why haven't you?" Demios sheathed his sword and looked at Fernal, "I don't know if it would be safe for Ophelia." Demios looked at her and smiled "I don't want her to get hurt." Fernal thought for a moment and as he was about to say something Ophelia said. Well now that I can fly wont I be ok? Please big brother I want to not have to hide all the time, if anything happens I will just fly away until I know its safe. Also with the hunting me and you have been doing I think I will be ok. This left Demios to think for a while, how would he show everyone Ophelia, what would everyone react like and would it really be safe. Demios brought up his concern, Fernal responded in a calm manner "I will address everyone in the trail and talk to the mayor for now about doing it to Willow Dale as they had already come close with the trail and so they would be shocked to think the caravan trail had lied to them or hid something important." After this Demios looked at Fernal and then looked to Ophelia. Her face was full of determination (Demios knew because he could sense her emotions.) Demios let out a sigh. "Ok, fine but if we do then we need to be careful." With that Ophelia jumped up and pushed over Demios and nuzzled him with affection. Thank you brother thank you so much!

The next day Fernal gathered everyone in the centre of Willow Dale and stood on a stand to get everyone's attention, Demios stood next to him with Ophelia on the roof of a house near by to reveal herself if anyone doubted them, "I have gathered you all here in attendance as well as our hosts of Willow Dale to share some news! Over the past few weeks me and Demios here." Fernal gestured his hand to Demios. "Have been training in secret with Demios's sibling." Some in the crowd looked confused "Demios doesn't have a sibling what are you talking about!" Someone asked. Fernal continued "Demios's sibling is not of the same race, but something happened that has allowed Demios to become a different person to the race he was when born. He has become part dragon." The crowd stayed quiet and then some shifted and one man began to laugh in disbelief. Fernal sighed and signalled Ophelia, she proceeded to gracefully fly down from the roof doing a few loops to try and act marvellous. Demios smirked and said to her in his head "Show off." He heard a snort back from Ophelia, she landed on Demios's head which surprised Demios as she was about a meter long now so it was a surprise at how much she weighed. I am one of the most graceful dragons ever seen. Demios snorted and replied as looked at her "I think your a child." Demios throughout this conversation did not seem to notice the mass shock through the crowd. Fernal looked at Ophelia and said "I think you should address yourself." After saying this Ophelia held her head high and looked around at the people she then said. I am Ophelia! Sister of Demios and blizzard of the east! I shall be travelling with my brother from now on and where ever he goes I shall, I hope my presence does not disturb any of you but if it does, nothing else should matter to me but staying with Demios! Demios smiled at this and walked up to say "I have also wanted to say that the dragon that protected Ophelia's egg has gave me its power and that I, even if not done it yet, should be able to use magic!" The crowd stood silent for a moment before someone shouted in a hard and defensive tone "Demios! Will you help protect us then when we go to the border of the desert?" Demios puffed out his chest "I will help protect everyone, as will Ophelia!" With that there was more silence before someone began to clap, then another, and in about 20 seconds the entire crowd was appalling.

(Once again this is quite a short chapter but from now on, these eyes will not be blinded by the light,  no what I wanted to say that from now on I will be doing longer chapters but the last two were ment to be more grounded to the town of Willow Dale. The next chapter will be longer.) 

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