Chapter 2 "Atidengta"

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Demios proceeded after the duel to thank Jared for the duel and then put down the sword and thank the sword master. "If you want to I would like to commission you a sword in Widow Dale when we get there so that you can protect yourself Demios what do you think?" This offer surprised Demios "Um I don't think I'm ready to get a sword yet and I don't know what type of sword I would even use." Demios was lying slightly he did want a sword but he had no idea what he really would want to use, the sword master look at him and thought "Why don't we figure it out then? I think we could find a sword that you would like out of the guards collection ey?" Demios thought on this for a second before agreeing and him and the sword master set of to look for a sword, and Jared still sat on his back unable to comprehend he lost, they went to the south side of camp where the armoury wagon was, the armoury wagon was a wagon where guards camped around and where many weapons were, that people could get them if they were every attacked. With the sword master's permission as well someone could take the sword and keep it within there homes. Demios watched as the old master opened the back to racks of swords, bows and spears and well as the occasional shields used mainly by the guards. "So what do you think you would be suited with something like this?" The master pulled out a short sword about a meter long and showed it to Demios, as he did Demios's inspected the blade with a hard stare "I don't think so I want something with longer reach maybe." As Demios said this he looked around and saw a sword on a stand that had a immaculate hilt and a long blade with good width and a firm grip... Wait what? Where did that come from Demios's thoughts seemed to not be his own at that moment- "Demios!" The sword master raised his voice as to reach Demios from thoughts. Demios snapped out of his confusion and said "Oh what about that one?" Demios pointed to the one on the stand. The sword master thought for a moment or two before walking over and picking up the sword with one hand "You have fine taste Demios a one handed long sword that's hilt is able to be used with 2 hands comfortably, until we get to Widow Dale this sword is yours Demios."

Whilst walking back to the training area Demios asked "Why did you allow me to get a sword?" Demios knew he said to protect himself but he knew that wasn't the real reason, the sword master sighed "It is because you need to protect yourself... But really you need to protect yourself more that ever now, see we are about to head into dangerous land after Widow Dale we are moving into the east parts of the empire, near the desert." Demios had only heard of the deserts but from what he had heard he knew that the empire was trying to expand there to both, profit in expanding the nation and destroy the bandits and some sand tribes that kept raiding the empires villages near there. "Are you doing this with all the other boys?" Demios asked as they turned a corner to see that Jared was still waiting around the corner a sword in his hand a face of anger on him "No." Said the sword master "No they didn't..."

"OI you Demios!" Jared said anger crawling in his voice "I want a rematch come on grab your swo-" Jared turned to the sword master "You gave him a sword!" Jared shook his head "No! I don't care come on Demios draw yo- I mean ready your sword!" (He said as Demios did not have his holster yet) Demios looked at him and stood there "Um... No" Demios said calmly without meaning to "What?!" Replied Jared picking his sword up in a way as if to charge at Demios any second. "I said no." Once again Demios's voice wasn't his own and at that moment his body didn't either. "What did you say! Damn you fight me!" Jared charged, he was to close for Demios to block fully and the sword master was to far away to intervene. Even if he could block fast enough his limbs wouldn't move to his will in that moment, but some how his body moved on its own as his voice let out the word's "Zurück Jūs  Lialia Poika! " And a flow of energy went through him as a force went out his hand and hit Jared pushing him back about 3 meters holding him against the wall for a moment before he fell to the ground. Demios stood there star struck "D-Demios! Your used magic!"

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