Chapter 5 "Brechen Punktas"

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Demios looked upon the small village, it was nothing to behold but even from a mile away he could see it was lively and a happily place. Even if it was close to the borders of the sand tribes that could attack at any moment it could see people around the streets a small festival that seemed to be up for the caravan's when they arrived. Demios looked at the sword master as they kept walking "I wonder if they have a library that I could look in for some idea of how to cast spells, that is if I can actually do that." Demios looked over at the line of caravans to see that people were starting to gather and look over at the village from there caravans. "I will looked around to see if I can find one for you Demios." The sword master said "I must go and make preparations now if you don't mind." The sword master looked at Demios patted him on the shoulder and said. "By the way if you ever need me call me by my actually name from now on its Fernal!" With that Fernal jogged back to the front trailers and hopped on.

After a minute of thinking Demios headed back to his trailer to help his mother start to cook some pastries and other sweet foods for the village, when he got back he carefully put his satchel on a table near his bed and began to help his mother cook for about 20 minutes, after that his mother asked him to start to check how close to the village they were, by this time the entire convoy of trailers had made it next to the village, Demios told his mother that they were there so his mother told him to keep baking as she left to move the trailer into a prime position to sell pastries. After Demios's mother was gone Demios put some pastry's in the oven and then went to check his satchel, he looked inside and gasped,  the egg was cracking and a chunk of it was gone, inside a white scale was formed, and next to it a purple eye. "Oh s***!" Demios exclaimed as he took the egg out its bag and put it on the side, without thinking, Demios then dashed out the back of the trailer and ran to find Fernal.

"Fernal!" Demios shouted at the sight of the master swordsman talking to what seemed to be the village leader, "I'm talking the mayor Demios what do you need?" Demios stopped before him, his new strength did not allow him to be tired so he quickly said "Fernal its hatching." Fernal looked at him shocked. "Now?" Demios nodded and then Fernal looked at the mayor "I am sorry but can we please continue this later our group will not enter your village without your say so unless you wish." With that Fernal bowed as him and Demios ran of to Demios's caravan when arriving at the caravan Demios hopped inside quickly as the door was still open to see that the egg was open, the baby dragon was sitting on the table. "Oh god we really did not plan for this well." Were the first words that came out of Fernal's  and Demios's first words were on the same type of meaning but with a lot more panic "I-I don't know what to do how are we going to feed it and what does it drink does it need milk?!" Demios kept panicking. "What does it need how will we need." Well right now I need you to shut up big brother ,a voice said, Demios and Fernal looked at each other confused. "Who said that?" Demios asked looking at Fernal who shook his head, I said it a voice said. Demios looked around then saw that the baby dragon was looking at him. Finally you realize don't you! Demios was shocked and then said out loud. "Wait you called me big brother?" Demios forgot to mention that the dragon was talking only minutes after hatching but that didn't matter to him, yes because you are aren't you? Demios looked at the dragon. "Hmm I guess I am aren't I?" Demios walked over to the dragon and sat next to him calmer than he realized, "I'm shocked that you actually recognize as your brother." Demios smiled and petted the dragon, Obviously I recognize you as my brother even if you aren't from the same parents you share my power and my blood in your veins. Demios looked at the dragon and said "How do you know all this?" Demios scratched the dragon under his chin, Fernal was still standing in the door way with his jaw dropped, I was some what conscious in the egg so I heard everything. Demios looked at him surprised, Fernal finally came to his senses and said to the dragon "I need to ask then are you able to take care of yourself yet little one?" The dragon looked at Fernal. Are you stupid? I'm still just a hatchling and I'm not even able to fly, breath fire and have you seen my claws and teeth, I couldn't cut butter! Demios chuckled at the baby dragon. "So what do you need then, do you need anything to eat, drink?" Demios looked at the thin membrane of the dragons wings. I would like to learn to fly but other than that I'm ok right now, Demios smiled and looked at the dragons scales, all ice white and the exact same shape. "Well I guess that's our first order of business!"Demios stood up."To teach...Whats your name?" The dragon looked at him, I don't know did you choose your name at birth?  Demios looked down at the dragon amused and said "I think we should call you sassy because that represents you as a whole, no but seriously what would be a good name for you? Wait are you a boy or a girl?" The dragon looked at its underside and looked left, then looked right, then looked back up. I think I'm a girl, Demios thought for a moment looked to Fernal and looked back at the dragon. "How does the name Ophelia sound?" The dragon blinked at Demios then opened its mouth as if smiling, I like it.

Chapter 6 "A Cry For Help" Will be out on December 23rd

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