(4) every rose has it's thorns

Start from the beginning

Sam nodded, walking down the stairs, "Right, I'm hurrying," he had witnessed one of Lance's panic attacks before and knew how severe they were. He grabbed his keys and they were out the door.

They got in the car and headed towards Lance's apartment, "Keith told me to make sure Lance works on his Latin project today. It's due tomorrow and he's only halfway done. So I'm bringing some school stuff too so we can work on our homework together."

Sam smiled, "That's a good idea. Are you ready for your finals this week?"

Pidge groaned, "God, no. They're stressing me out, I just want to get it over with already. Lucky Lance has a project as his Latin final instead of an exam. Though, his other classes are giving exams."

Sam chuckled, "I'm sure you'll ace it, kiddo. You always do."

"Yeah, and I always stress out about it beforehand. I'm just carrying on the tradition." They both laughed a bit.

"So what subjects are you most worried abou-"

"Dad look out!!"

Lance was still sitting at his kitchen table, now putting the final touches on his Latin project. He was finished.

Wait, he was finished? But Pidge still hadn't arrived.

He quickly checked his phone, an hour and a half had passed since Keith left and Pidge never showed up. Lance had been so focused on his project he didn't realize the time.

He felt the panic welling up inside of him. What if something happened to her?

He quickly tied calling her, it rang several times before going to voicemail.

He tried again, pacing in his kitchen as it rang. No answer.

He tried a third time. Third time's the charm, right? Nope. Still no answer.

He tried to call Hunk, straight to voicemail. He tried to call Allura, she answered. Thank god.

"Hey, Lance. I'm sort of busy. Hunk and I are-"

Lance didn't let her finish, "Pidge was supposed to be here over an hour ago and now she's not answering the phone and I don't know what to do!"

"Lance, calm down. Are you alone?"

"Yes! Pidge was supposed to be coming over but she didn't! I called her three times!"

Hunk said something to Allura in the background but Lance couldn't hear it.

"Alright, Lance." Allura said, "Hunk and I are coming over. Okay? We'll be there in a bit over 15 minutes."

Lance tried to calm his breathing, "O-Okay.."

"Do you need me to stay on the line until we get there?"

"No, just hurry!" Lance leaned against the wall, unable to stop the oncoming panic attack.

Once Allura hung up, he sunk to the floor and collapsed into a fit of sobs. He hadn't wanted them to hear, that's why he had her hang up. He just sat on the floor sobbing and sobbing, his whole body trembling.

He didn't even hear his phone go off, having received a text from Keith.

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