(11) end of the line

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*Y'all ready for this shit? I lot of stuff happens. This chapter is a clusterfuck. Three weeks go by in this one chapter. But that was necessary to wrap things up smoothly.

God this was so hard to write. It's so hard to let this story go. That's why I'm writing Respawn.

Thanks to TwentyOnePinetrees for the last chapter title "goners". I tagged the song "In The End" by Lincoln Park because I'm emo trash and it's the end :')

I love you guys for sticking with me this far.*

(4732 words)

Shiro woke up in a closet later that evening. His head was pounding. The last thing he remembered was being dragged into a van then getting the shit beat out of him.

Now he was tied to a chair and there was tape over his mouth. He tried to get out of his restraints, but even his ankles were tied to the chair so he couldn't kick the closet door open.

He was fucked.

And he knew it.

He looked through the crack between the two doors, able to see the room outside. It was a motel room, seemingly empty. But after a moment a boy with dark brown hair came inside, groaning and throwing his keys on one of the two beds.

Then he looked at the closet doors and opened them up, "Look who's awake," he chuckled, "I'm glad Cleo suggested we nab both Lance and you. We were going to go after just him. But he got away and Seamus got caught. It's okay though because I still have you."

Shiro actually felt relieved. Lance was safe. He knew this boy must be Carson, Keith's ex. Then Shiro felt nothing but anger. This was the boy who hurt Keith, manipulated him, abused him.

Shiro tried to get out of his restraints again but he was bound too tightly with zip ties.

Carson just laughed, "Struggle all you want, you're just going to hurt yourself. Though, I guess that doesn't matter because you're going to die here anyway."

Shiro glared at him.

Carson took the tape off of his mouth, "Got something to say."

"Go to hell. The police are going to find you and you're going to pay for what you did to Keith."

Carson put the tape back over his mouth, "I haven't done anything. Yet." He grabbed a bookend off the table next to the closet, "Time for you to go back to sleep, I have work to do." He hit Shiro over the head with it, knocking him out again before closing the closet doors.


"I'm going to ask you one more time, boy. Where is your friend hiding?" Anderson clenched his fist

Seamus just laughed, "You're a fool if you think we're going to tell you anything. Carson will carry out what we started. It's not over."

Anderson stood, leaving the interrogation room, he looked at the officer by the door, "Put him back in the cell," He walked back over to his desk, "Williams!"

Adam rushed over, "Did you get anything out of him?"

Anderson sat down, "Nothing. Have you found anything on his phone?"

Adam nodded, "A little. He texted Cleo yesterday saying she'd meet her back at the motel. They never specified which one. I've already started checking with different motels in the area. Some have told me over the phone that Carson isn't staying there. Others told me to call back when I get a warrant, I've sent some squad cars out to those motels to see if the van is there. I know I should've waited for you before making that decision, but I figured time was of the essence."

game over ♥︎ 'level up' trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now