“But Tae, wait. Are you saying that forced mating can lead to disaster? Like no kittens no future generation?” if that was true… “What did chief said about that?” I asked.

“That he found out too. Few years back people was saying that this village won’t be big enough for us but now they are worried there will be empty houses.” He shook his head and looked at me. “But that’s just part of it. Back to why I came here,” he was gesticulating so much. “When me and chief were talking about it his son, Jin, came to him to announce him that he’s going into the forest. What was more important was that when he got to the table we were sitting at, he touched my shoulder,” Tae said excited and I still didn’t understand him.

“So what?” Tae groaned at my lack of interest and stood up, walking back and forth.

“At that moment I got such an electric shock I had problems to breathe. Before I could think about it any longer or tell him what the hell he did to me, he was gone. Of course the chief looked at me like I was crazy when I told him. The next day we met again in the hall. I was going to the chief to discuss the omega thing when we met,” he looked at me with yearning eyes. “He looked so fucking gorgeous! All dirty with leaves in the hair and sweaty,” I gave him disgusted look. How can that be gorgeous? “Anyway,” he continued quickly when he saw my look. “I thought what if I’ll get that electric shock again if I touch him. Do you know what happened?”

“Do I look like I know?”

“Jesus you’re so emotionless,” he looked little bit dissapointed but soon it was changed into another wave of excitement. “I didn’t get that shock,”

“See? You are really a weird best friend!” I stood up and screamed at him.

“I told you to shut up while I talk!” he screamed back and I just sat down.

“Okay so what happened?” I asked looking at him.

“Don’t laugh okay?” I shook my head, “I think I went into heat back then,” and my eyes widen.

“Tae, you were in heat before, like a week ago. That’s impossible,” I couldn’t believe him, not even because we were best friends. Heat comes only once a month and for him it was over.

“I thought that as well but I felt it. I became all hot and freaking horny, I even lubricated. Like my body wanted to get mated and I didn’t know why. And you know what was even more weird? When I ran away he followed me.”

“What a pervert!”

“Oh fuck off will you?”

“Okay okay peace! So what was his reason to follow you? Did he tell you?” Tae grinned.

“He said that I smelled great and he doesn’t know why but he had to touch me. Of course I was so much in fear and I had nowhere to run. I was pinned to the wall. And I liked it!”

“Oh God please save this poor creature here.”

“Can you stop making jokes? I’m serious. You know as well as I do that being touched by an alpha during heat against our will feels like being burned alive right?” oh yeah.

It happened to me two times and I hated that moments. When heat hurts, this hurts hundred times more. Each time I almost fainted but I was lucky enough to get away. “I’m sorry for you, it must’ve been hard on you.” I was truly worried.

“You’re wrong. When he touched me it was like… like… I don’t know! It’s hard to explain it, but it wasn’t bad at all! I wanted more, he wanted more as well and we just...” he clapped his hands together while he was grinning like crazy.

“So you’re one hundred percent sure he is you’re mate. Like the one true mate and you’ll have a lot of kittens.” I said and he knew I was very negative about that.

“Yes I am. I never felt so good in my life and loosing my virginity to him was the best thing I could ever do. I’m happy to be marrying him and not just because he is the chief’s son.” He sounded so serious I couldn’t hurt him by saying something weird.

“And you’re gonna have a wedding in a week… quite soon,” I said and Tae came to sit next to me.

“You’ll come, right?” he looked at me with those puppy like eyes of his and I couldn’t say no. I wanted him to be happy.

“I will… but not for long, you know me,” but for Tae it was like he didn’t hear me. He heard just ‘I will’ and his concentration was there.

“Thank you, Jimin-ah! I knew you'd understand me!” he was dancing around the room and I couldn't help but laugh.

“Wait, did you said something about this mating thing to somebody else?” I asked putting the towel down from my dark hair.

“Nope, no one. Why?”

“It didn’t happen to anyone else yet so can we keep it to ourselves? Just untill we find somebody else who experienced the same thing. They may think you are a crazy person and that you won’t marry your prince,” I said and Tae became worried about it as much as I did.

“Fine, let’s make a promise,” he showed me his pinky finger and I took it with mine.

“Pinky promise.”

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