19: Tae's Lies

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AN: Merry Christmas everyone! I'm terribly sorry for updating late. Please know that I am reading all of your comments, I just can't reply to them. Your comments and messages mean a lot to me.

19: Tae's Lies


I lazily clicked on the remote not really knowing what I want to watch. The television showed the news, then sports, then lakorns as I continued browsing while eating popcorn. Sighing, I paused while my own shoes commercial appeared.

"Put your spin on things..." my own voice over said as I watch myself kick a soccer ball towards the screen, then the logo appeared, followed by the tagline.

I almost spat out my soda when the next commercial played.

Tee and Benj!

This is my first time seeing it since it was only released today. The whole set is white. Benj who is wearing white cotton pants and long sleeves that were unbuttoned down to his upper abs is seen walking slowly while white translucent blankets were waving like curtains. He was saying something about the strength he likes.

In a separate scene, Tee came into view wearing almost the same thing but buttoned. While blankets are moving like sea waves, he was saying something about the comfort he prefers. The sound was relaxing and the next scene was both of them falling on their backs and landing deep on the same white bed, then bouncing back up in slow motion. There was much giggling from Tee and it cut to a content looking Benj.

"The quality of strength." Benj said while looking at Tee.

"The wave of comfort." Tee said to Benj

Then they looked at the camera. "LoveMatt."


I snorted real loud and threw a popcorn kernel on my flatscreen which was now playing a Lakorn.

"Stupid bed commercial." I grumbled.

Alright, it wasn't stupid. In fact, it looked elegant. I heard this has three parts. This was shot last weekend and they rushed the editing team to have this done by this week, something to do with Benj's busy schedule. I don't know. I'm just so annoyed.

I stared at the screen again. I'm watching a drama that has been airing for 3 months already. When are they going to end this?

"You know that I don't care what your parents say." The male lead said.

"We've talked about this." The female lead replied.

"I can face them. I don't care. As long as I can have you." The male lead walked forward and gathered his girlfriend on the waist. He leaned forward.

Then it was a close-up of their faces, their eyes, and then their lips.

Hold on. This looks familiar...

They kissed.

"AAAAAH!" I screamed, toppling over my bowl of popcorn.

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