1: Truth and Lies

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"Tee! Have you been eating out again? There's a stain on your necktie!"

"I just ate some fishballs, P'Janean."

P'Janean, my mother figure in this industry, scolded me while attempting to wipe away that tiny stubborn spot caused by my snack. I didn't even notice until she pointed it out. I swear, she is totally OCD. Beside me, my co-stars are having their make-ups done by their stylists or their moms.

We, the cast of 2Moons, have a meet and greet today at MBK mall. It's only for an hour though, to promote season 2 and our upcoming fanmeetings in Thailand and abroad.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Don't loiter around! You're on standby!" She keeps on blabbering while fixing my hair.

"Sorry na, P'." I smiled at her sweetly. I know she's not really angry, plus, she has a weak spot for my killer smile.

And it worked. She just rolled her eyes and checked P'Tae.

Not that she really needs to. P'Tae is pretty much well-behaved. Probably because he's the oldest in our group. Beside him, Godt was wearing a frown behind his manager. Sometimes I wonder if he doesn't like his manager. P'Kim and Bas are chatting with each other and Copter is talking to his mom.

"Let's all welcome, the cast of 2 moons!" We heard the announcer's voice getting drowned by the screams of fangirls and fangays.

As the theme song was playing, we lined up, and P'Tae was behind me. That's always the case. KimCop, GoBa, and us, TaeTee.

We're used to this. I admit I like the popularity. I love the feeling of stepping on stage and receiving love from our fans. I like the flashing of camera lights. I like receiving fan gifts. Perhaps I like it a little too much than these 5.

Honestly, some of these are scripted. Some of these are just for fan service. But all of us are actually close, so it's an easy peasy task for all of us.


I mainly listened to the host while he was interviewing the others. P'Tae was smiling to a few fans on his side while giving them a finger heart.

"Tae and Tee, yours is the most awaited story in season 2 - the ForthBeam couple." The host began after interviewing P'Kim. "What were your preparations for your scenes?"

P'Tae flashed his smile and the audience went wild. "Oh, we prepared quite a lot." He said while nodding to me. "Aside from continuous acting workshop, we also spend our days at the gym."

"The gym? And why is that?" The host asked.

We both smirked. "Well, you guys have probably read the books? How did our story start?" he asked while raising an eyebrow naughtily at the fans.

And the crowd went wild.

If you have read the books, you would know the answer to that. We started drunk and naked.

P'Tae laughed lazily. "There's THIS time when we have to do it --

I couldn't hear anymore. Beside me, Bas keeps on laughing and slapping his thigh. I playfully elbowed him. Godt jokingly covered Bas's ears.

"So you have to lose weight and gain some muscle for that scene, eh?" The host, which happens to be gay, exclaimed. "So there will be THAT scene?"

Ah, we've practiced this.

NOT the s e x scene, but the answer to this question. See? I told you, some of it is scripted. And the answer would be to -


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