Chapter Thirteen

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I clutched the book Oliver gave me tight like it held every secret about who he was.

He let go of my hand as soon as we re-entered the party. People floated around with their alcoholic beverages and having light conversations. Tidbits, like the appetizers moving between conversations.

I followed Oliver outside. Aspen spotted him coming over with a plate of sushi. I had never seen sushi offered before a meal at a party. I was out of my element.

Oliver's mother looked regal and poised as she circled the living room area tapping a spoon to her glass. She was announcing for everyone to find a seat outside at the long tables meant to bring people together instead of dividing people up amongst smaller tables.

I stood next to the boys waiting for some kind of hint as to where I should sit when I noticed Hayley speaking to two people who could be her parents in another language. I wondered if she was having any conflict like Oliver just had.

Aspen's shoulder shoved into me lightly, "Her parents are from Russia. She was born here."

Oliver took a drink off a tray almost on autopilot. He held it attempting to sip before he handed it to Aspen, "Drink this."

Aspen downed the champagne in one swoop shrugging in Oliver's direction.

He jokingly said, "Forgot you're sober?"

Oliver shrugged clearly noticing my investigating eyes. I was soaking everything up and he could tell I was gonna inquire about everything later.

He leaned in, "Can't just wait to read the cliff notes huh? I'm a year sober, okay? No alcohol or drugs."

Richard appeared at the head one table with a drink raised, "Thank you everyone for being here and making such generous donations. My wife truly out did herself once again with this beautiful spread. Everyone please find a seat."

He let everyone move around before shouting, "Oliver! Down here. Bring you're guest."

His demeanor was completely different as he stood at the head of the table. He was relaxed, calculated, even more aware, and knew how to pretend in front of a crowd.

His mother waved me over to sit next to her as Oliver sat across from us both. She went to introduce me to Richard when Oliver didn't wait to sit down. He plopped down lazily, slumped down already bored with everything. I couldn't tell if it was an act to piss off his Father or truly how he felt.

His Father offered his hand to introduce himself again.

He ruthlessly said, "He already met her when I was trying to fuck her in his office."

My eyes were wide, mouth open, and I felt his mom take my hand like we both needed to brace for impact. I knew he only said it to hurt his father after he hurt him but I became collateral damage.

I shot him a death glare at his words, "We met would of been sufficient Oliver."

His father coughed as if it would hide his insult from being heard by other guests.

Richard leaned over as he sat down unbuttoning his jacket, "Oliver. Behave. We have guests."

Dinner went smoothly so far as the first course was served. Oliver didn't speak or eat. He simple glared at everyone and every word said around him. He looked ridged and stiff even in his slumped down position.

Hayley and Aspen were at separate tables probably just like Oliver, living proof Amherst College was worth donating to.

Richard prompted someone to ask Oliver how the start of year was going. Oliver did not adjust his posture at all only gazing forward behind his Mother and I while he answered.

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