Years and Years of Bliss and Shadows

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The years flew by, and we had a routine. Toshinori would have a date night every week with me at home, cuddling up with me and we'd do everything that couples do when they are cooped up in their house. I went to work, and so did he. Some days he'd come home with small injuries, and I'd wrap him up and scold him. Regardless, it was a happy marriage. We always made time for each other, that's for sure, and I couldn't be happier with my reality. We approached our second anniversary, which was tomorrow.

Another day, more flowers to sell. I hummed the tune of my favorite song as I put new flowers on the displays through the store. There were few customers today, but since it was summer, our greenhouse section was open. It was humid in there, and I couldn't help but sweat when I went in.

I got a ping on my phone from Toshinori.

'I'll pick up your favorite food for our dinner tomorrow. Want any dessert?'

I put the bundle of bleeding heart flowers down and answered my message, '(Favorite dessert), please!! What are you gonna get me for a gift? ;)'

'I'm not telling you. It's a surprise, flower.'

'Awww...Love you.'

'Love you, too.'

The bell on the door rung as it opened, and I stuffed my phone into my pocket. "Hi, how are you today?"

It was a shorter woman with green hair, the top of it up in a small bun and the rest dangling down. She had a simple little engagement ring on her left hand, beaming brightly as she took in the swarms of color brought by flowers. "I'm great. I was wondering if you did arrangments for weddings?"

"Of course, we have a whole book of centerpieces, decor, and etc. if you wanted to see that." I walked behind the counter and gestured for her to come closer to observe the pictures of various displays we had done over the years.

"Oh, these are all so pretty...You guys really do a good job, I'm so glad my fiancee told me to come here. He said he bought me the flowers he gave me on our first date here." She flipped through the pictures, 'ooo'ing and 'aaa'ing at what she liked about each of them.

"That guy?! I'm so glad you guys are getting married, I coached him into getting you those gardenias, right?" I had a spark of remembrance at the thought of that strange man. He was marrying this girl, and I couldn't help but feel my heart swell with pride.

"Those were so lovely! I remember those, he was redder than sin when he gave them to me." She giggled, gasping as she saw another picture in the catalog. It was all green and white flowers, "It's like our hair colors, that would be cute..."

"That's actually one of our more affordable ones, too." I touched it with my finger, "My husband and I had similar displays at our wedding."

"Well, Hisashi did say I could pick whatever I wanted...I think I'll go with these. We only need about...twenty of them." She pulled out her wallet.

"Twenty? Alright." I took out a log book and wrote down some information, "I'll just need you to fill out some information on this form."

She filled it out, and we talked about other things regarding her wedding before she left.

I'm so pleased that the two of them got together completely. I like to think that the gardenias helped.


Five years into the marriage had suddenly gone by in the blink of an eye. Toshi and I went on dates more and more due to his schedule being freed up slightly... The routine was changed with Toshinori brought a sidekick under his wing. He was twenty-seven years old, gentlemanly, and endearing to be around.

Sunflowers (All Might/Toshinori Yagi x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang