Hide the Fear Way From the World

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"Y/n, you've brought immeasurable joy into my life when I met you three and a half years ago. To think that our meeting was all a fun coincidence...I wouldn't have been brave enough to ask you out if you hadn't asked me. You make me a better person...a better pro hero." Toshinori looked as if he were on the verge of tears as he saw his vows. He held my left hand in his absolutely giant hand, giving them to me from the heart. He took the ring, which looked comedically tiny in his aforementioned giant hands.

With some aiding, he put it on my finger, quickly wiping his eyes to catch any stragglers.

Oh, how this day was perfect. Such a small, intimate wedding. Toshinori stood before me in that wonderful custom-made tuxedo. I was wearing a rather plain wedding dress with a few flowers in my hair. I brushed a piece of my bangs out of my gaze, realizing it was my turn to say my vows to Toshinori. I became a little nervous, but I held on tight to his hands and was gifted with his reassuring stare. Those beautiful eyes, that wonderful smile. This was exactly the future I had hoped for before our first date.

"Toshinori, you respect me, you cherish me, you treat me with kindness and understanding...You do all that and so much more... You make me laugh harder than what is probably healthy. You engulf me in giant bear hugs when I feel down and make me my favorite food. You always make time for us to just sit and talk about anything and everything." I was more joyful than emotional, ignoring the stares from family and friends. "I know you can't wear your ring...because of how secret this is, but I love you so much, sunflower. I'll love you no matter what happens, wherever you are...as long as love lasts."

The devotion and love I felt for Toshi transcended death...if he died, or if I died, I'd still love him. For however long love lasts, I'll love him and only him.

"Well, with those beautiful speeches, I pronounce you husband and wife...It looks like the suspense is killing you...You can kiss her now, All Might." Naomasa, who volunteered to be the ordained 'minister' for the ceremony barely finished the sentence before Toshinori swept me off of my feet...literally. I howled with laughter, kissing him.

My family and friends erupted in applause as we promptly made our way to the reception.


I was finally getting to meet this strange "Sorahiko." I had never even met or heard of him in my three years of dating Toshi. Maybe he was his father figure? He didn't act as father of the groom at all during the ceremony, just sitting there on Toshinori's side of the aisle, listening and going through the motions of a wedding.

The man was becoming short from age, and he had white hair that was messily done for a more formal event.

"Toshinori!" The man called, walking over to us as guests mingled and ate around us.

"Oh, Y/n, I don't think I've ever introduced you-!" Toshi was cut off by the man dealing a swift strike with his cane to his shin, making him hiss in pain, "You haven't changed a day, teacher."

"I'm mad at you, boy, you never introduced me to your bride...let alone mentioned her! How do you think I felt when I got a random invitation in the mail!?" The man scolded him like he was a child, making me cover my mouth to hide my laughter. He turned his gaze to me, "My apologies...he's a real numbskull, isn't he?"

"I'm sorry, Gran Torino!" Toshi gasped.

I rested my arm on Toshinori's shoulder as he rubbed his aching leg, and pat his upper back. "He's a bit much sometimes, but I love him...It's nice to meet you..."

"Nice to meet you, too, dear. Toshinori is a lucky man, he better appreciate you or he'll regret it." At this point, the threats were all teasing.

"Where do you two know each other from again?" I hoped to gather some answers to my questions.

"He didn't tell you anything about me, huh?" He shot a glare at Toshi, who sweat nervously and cleared his throat. "Well, I helped Toshinori's master train him when he was a student."

Aw, he was afraid of his brash and brutal teacher. I wonder how many times this guy had beat Toshi to the ground before he perfected his Quirk...That would instigate fear in my eyes... I shuddered at the thought. It made me wonder what his Quirk was.

"I'm commending you here, Toshi and Y/n...making this a secret event was smart. You've been hiding your relationship extremely well. Shimura would be impressed by it. Regardless, All For One is still out there, searching diligently. Be absolutely careful, Y/n...be wary of anyone you encounter, as they could be his spy or underling."

More anxious thoughts of the villain filled my head. I sighed deeply to keep myself from panicking or spiraling on my wedding day. "We know...I know. I live low with everything I do, especially at work. I'm still gonna use my maiden name on my public records...until he's defeated one day. I always had faith that Toshi would do it. I mean, he's so strong...but he's a big old scardy cat around you, huh?" I changed the mood of the conversation, letting loose a soft giggle.

Sorahiko chuckled and tapped my husband again, lighter than last time. "Yeah, he's having war flashbacks."

"I still have the scars." Toshi fake cried, whispering like he was genuinely freaking out. He then laughed with us.

Sorahiko was an amazingly interesting man. He seemed like Toshinori's crazy uncle rather than a father figure...I liked him, to say the least. I knew he would be appearing in my life much more in the future.


Despite a wonderful day of celebrating with friends and family, I cuddled up beside Toshinori in the dark. It was a blessing for alone time...oh so long-awaited alone time. After thoroughly enjoying our wedding night together, he and I threw blankets over ourselves like it was the winter. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his booming heartbeat. Even after we had calmed down, it was still an incomparably loud sound. To me, though, it was utterly relaxing.

"How does it feel to know we're married?" I mumbled sleepily, grinning as his muscular arm draped around my body. He was truly a giant of a man.

"It...it's relieving and terrifying." He shifted slightly, pulling me even closer.

"Why terrifying?"

"Uh...because...I worry about you." He admitted, yawning loudly. I giggled hysterically, as the noise echoed across the room of our apartment. We preferred a stay-at-home honeymoon. It saved money, also it was a safer bet for both of us.

"I worry about you every second I'm not with you...when I'm not there, I worry that...he...could come at any moment and..." He trailed off ominously, not wanting to complete the words.

"Toshinori..." I crawled on top of him, taking his cheeks into my hands and making him look at me with those beautiful, glowing blue eyes. "Listen to me...I'm afraid of him, too...But he wants us to be afraid of him at all times. He wants us to be paranoid all the time about where he could be hiding. He wants us to think we're never safe. We are...He acts like some omniscient, omnipresent god of wrath, but he doesn't hold a candle to you. You're better than him, you're stronger than fear and terror. You are Toshinori Yagi, All Might, Number One Hero, Symbol of Peace...my sunflower." I kissed the tip of his nose.

He slowly began to understand, nodding. "That's why I smile...I'll smile to push that fear away, and to make sure he never gets what he wants..." He touched my hand that laid on his face still, "Wow...are you sure those weren't your wedding vows?"

I rolled my eyes and laid my head back down on his chest, "If only..." I closed my eyes and he snuggled me like a stuffed animal, making whatever fear I had in my heart dwindle away for the time being. I felt safe, warm, and loved.

"I love you, sunflower."

"I love you, too, Y/n."

Sunflowers (All Might/Toshinori Yagi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now