Ch 7

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/// Kakashi POV ///

I woke up with a huge headache. I tried to sit up but a shot of pain erupted through my back and shoulder. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out.
Right, I had fought and killed Itachi.... then I had stumbled to (y/n)s house... I glance to my right I see her asleep on the floor, curled around my arm.

Her clothes and hands had blood splatters all over them, probably because of me. I could see my bite marks from last night when she shifted.
I had almost lost it, my desire for blood overwhelming the rest of my thoughts. Yet I had managed to stay in control.

I hadn't wanted to hurt her. It was strange and it scared me. Why did  I care about a human? I turned onto my side only wincing slightly at the pain and stroked (y/n)'s hair with my free hand. She mumbled something but didn't stir.

She was certainly something. She had let me, bleeding buckets while in my vampiric form, into her house and had let me drink from her and then cleaned and dressed my wounds. I couldn't tell if she was unimaginably brave or unimaginably naive. Any normal human would have seen it as an opportunity to get rid of me and let me die.

Her breathe was warm against my hand. She smiled in her sleep and nuzzled into my arm. I raised an eyebrow. She was awfully more nice to me in her sleep. Still I shouldn't take advantage of that. I moved my arm out of her grasp and she jolted up.

She stared at me and then at my arm and began blushing furiously.
"Yo-you're up" she stammered

I smiled and then rolled back onto my back, grunting.
"How do you feel?" Her face popped up into my field of vision.

"Like shit" I said hoarsely.
"But better"

"I'll be back" she got up.

/// Your POV ///

How embarrassing! I can't believe I fell asleep around him like that.
You went into the bathroom and stared in the mirror.

Honestly? You looked like you'd just killed someone. Blood was smeared on your shirt and on your face and hands. Then you looked around at the blood on your tile and all over the bathroom.
"Jeez what a mess"
First, a shower.
You turn the hot water on and clean the shower area out and then strip and step inside.

The hot water was godly. You stood absentmindedly and watched the dried blood go down the drain. You lightly touched the bite marks from yesterday, they stung a little under the water.

You still couldn't believe what had happened. That thing that had come for you, Kakashi risking his life to save you, and then him coming back to your home and... and... you blushed furiously and forced yourself to stop thinking about it.

Once you were done you wrapped a towel around yourself and walked to your room, putting on sweatpants and a tank top. You walked back to Kakashi lying on the couch his eyes were shut in a grimace.

"Thanks for bleeding all over my house" 

His eye opened and a smirk appeared on his face.
"Sorry I'll try to take your upholstery into consideration next time I'm dying"

You laugh.
"I should uh probably check your wounds, change the dressings and such"

He closes his eye again and groans
"Can I sleep a little longer"

You cross to the couch, grabbing the first aid kit on the way and kneel beside him.

He pretends to be asleep as you take the bandage off his chest and neck, inspecting the stitches.
Your eyes grow wide.

Vampire! Kakashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now