Ch 6

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(A/n) content warning for blood/gore for this chapter


You see blood drip and realize the man had sunk his fangs into Kakashi's arm.
Kakashi's nails were black and lengthened and his teeth were barred.

"I told you so" he growled.

He shoved the man off and he stumbled back.

"Kakashi, I should have known."

Kakashi licks his blood off his arm and pulls his headband up.

"It's been a while, Itachi"

You look between the two men.
"You know him?"

Kakashi grimaces
"He's just the infamous vampire that killed his whole sect. Take your friend and get out of here. I'll deal with him"


"Go. I have to upload my end of the agreement"

"Making deals with humans, Kakashi? You've gotten soft"

Kakashi growls and sheds his jacket. His form distorts, growing taller and sharper.

"You must be pretty serious about this one to be doing that eh Kashi?"
Itachi drops his coat and begins to grow as well.

You scramble to your feet and run over to where Kiba is lying. You flip him over, he mumbles.
"I'm sorry"
"Hush. I'm going to get us out of here"

You glance over to see Kakashi and Itachi grappling and shudder when you hear flesh tearing. You just hoped it wasn't his.

You help Kiba get to his feet and put his arm around your neck.
"Okay lets go"

"I'm not going to let my prey get away"
You see Itachi fly toward you and Kakashi jumps in front of you again, catching the vampire with a punch.

"She's mine"

He looks back to see you're okay and you feel your legs turn to jelly. His lips were pulled back exposing gums and a mouth of sharp teeth. Blood dripped from his mouth and a gash on his neck. His glowing eyes and pupils which resembled slits flicked from you to Kiba and then he turned back to Itachi.

"Get out of here. Now" you barely recognize his voice and it scares you enough to pull you out of your trance and to start stumbling with Kiba hanging onto you.

"Kiba please"
Kiba pushes you off him and begins to run, pulling you along. You're almost to your street. You try not to look back but do anyway and see Kakashi stumbling around, his black clothes seem darker than before. You hoped that didn't mean they were soaked with blood. A shriek rings out and you pick up the pace. Kiba fumbles with his keys and gets in his house and waits for you.

You're about to follow but stop at his steps.
"(Y/n) what are you doing"

"He's after me Kiba. If I'm with you, you're in danger"

His brow furrows.
"(Y/n) I don't care about that come inside now"


He goes to grab you but you deliver a chop to his head. He crumples and you lock his door behind you, silently apologizing.

I'm sorry Kiba but you can't be involved in this.

You debate between running to your house and running back to see if Kakashi was okay.
No I'll only get in the way.

You quickly cross the street and stumble into your house. You frantically try to think of what you could do protect yourself.

Wait, vampires couldn't come in your house unless they got permission, right? That didn't explain how Kakashi had gotten into yours and Kibas but maybe if a window was open that counted as an invitation?

Vampire! Kakashi x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat