When in Doubt, Go to the Library

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"Starflight, my man!" Parch burst into the library, followed by a confused Aria and an annoyed looking Rosella, who hit Parch on the back of the head and calmly walked up to Starflight's desk.

"What can I do for you?" The loyal librarian asked.

"Seeing as you're the most intelligent dragon in this school," Rosella began. "We were hoping you might be able to tell us about a phrase we've heard."

"What is it?" 

"Talawuth hajin" Aria recited. "Hybrid pollution."

"Hybrid pollution," Starflight echoed, frowning. "That doesn't sound too friendly."

"No, it doesn't, which is precisely why we want to know more about it." Rosella said innocently. 

"Have you heard of it?" Parch asked.

"It reminds me of something I read about the Hybrid War," Starflight admitted. "I think I have some scrolls on it." He shuffled through some papers and nodded. "Yep, follow me."

He led them over to one of the scrolls racks, and then paused.

"What?" Rosella asked.

"It's not here." Starflight frowned. He looked through the other scrolls, but it was nowhere to be found. "That's weird, nobody checked it out.... Maybe another scroll talks about it."

The next thing they knew, Starflight, Rosella, Parch, and Aria were all searching the library for scrolls on the Hybrid War.

There wasn't a single one to be found. Any scroll that was tied to the War, based on a story from the war, or even referenced it once, had disappeared.

"Can I ask why you needed information on Hybrid Pollution?" Starflight questioned, panic in his voice. It wasn't surprising, seeing as at least ten scrolls were missing from his library. 

"We found it written on the wall in Arabic." Aria supplied. Starflight's head shot up, smacking against the scroll rack.

"You what?" 

They showed him the wall, and Starflight's frown deepened.

"This can't be good." He muttered. "I know I've seen this before, but I can't remember where...." He turned to Aria. "And you're sure it says Hybrid pollution?" She nodded.

"I know my languages." she confirmed.

"Alright," He sighed. "Well, I'll ask the others if they know anything, and we'll wash this off," he gestured to the symbol. "Don't worry about it, guys, we'll figure it out." 

He walked away, probably heading to find someone who could wash away the paint.

"And by THAT, he means we're never going to find out what it means." Parch concluded. 

"Yep." Rosella confirmed. "He'll be more focused on finding his missing scrolls than anything else."

"So we figure it out." Aria offered. "If Starflight doesn't know anything, maybe someone else does. If this is tied to the Hybrid War, then we just need to find someone who is smart and has a lot of information on the War." Parch grinned.

"I know a guy." He offered. "But I doubt he'd come here. It'd raise questions." Rosella smirked.

"Looks like we're breaking another rule, then." She commented. "No leaving the school."

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