character introduction

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Revan is about 17 or 18 so about the same age as akame.
unlike esdeath Revan's hair is pure white.
Revan is a military tactician but he always likes to fight on the front lines with his troops he has no time for officers he finds them to be too politically blinded. Revan does not have bloodlust like his older sister but he will give in to war when the situation calls for it.
After getting his hands on his Imperial arms Revan eyes changed and his body changed allowing him to move at inhuman speeds.

After getting his hands on his Imperial arms Revan eyes changed and his body changed allowing him to move at inhuman speeds

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Because of the fact that the Moonlight sword is, for the most part, is a energy weapon the blade is weightless. So the other ability that Revan received was telekinesis the more Revan uses it the stronger he becomes with it the sword is rumored to also have a healing Factor allowing the user to recover faster. It not only allows Revan a defensive power but allows him to keep track of the blade while in combat. The Moonlight sword is a one-hit kill the moment the blade makes contact with anything besides an imperial arms the Target is reduced to ashes. Ravens General appearance is wearing black and gray Light Armored. Revan went through the same training as akame but specializes in pressure point attacks when he needs to go hand-to-hand.
The Moonlight swords blade color is based upon emotions although he does not have bloodlust Revan is filled with hatred causing his blade to be black and red.

The Moonlight swords blade color is based upon emotions although he does not have bloodlust Revan is filled with hatred causing his blade to be black and red

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In the entire Empire the prime minister and Najenda are the only ones that know that Revan is esdeath younger brother

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In the entire Empire the prime minister and Najenda are the only ones that know that Revan is esdeath younger brother. Revan unlike his older sister seeks balance not chaos. And he chooses to ignore things that don't concern him and chooses to ignore his sister at every chance. However with the Rebellion gaining more momentum Revan has his eyes set on the group night raid and one of its members who has caught his eye the Ruby eyed woman. Using all his power within the Empire Revan intends to investigate night raid to learn their strengths and weaknesses at any cost to anyone else around him. Now let our story begin.

Okay with the character introduction out of the way I think I can now push forward anyway if you guys want to leave comments below

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