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Shivaay's mind took back to the harsh words he had vented out on her when she was nowhere to be blamed for

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Shivaay's mind took back to the harsh words he had vented out on her when she was nowhere to be blamed for. Could he just casually go and order her to speak to him? Simply, he couldn't.

He took a step back, thinking it was better to leave bavk his emotions. His heart obliged him to stay and go and talk to her. What he even supposed do? 

Sighing he went ahead to meet her in the kitchen, a little scared to face her. Shivaay spotted her, with knees close to her chest as her toes curled up. Her palms onto her face, sobbing silently.

"Annika" he went near to her, holding her arm, he got down beside her.

"Annika, don't cry" wiping away a lone tear off her cheek, she looked at him with fire spitting out of her eyes. Shivaay moved closer.

"Are you not done with me yet?" She threw away his hand which kept clutching onto her arm.

"Don't touch me" annika shifted away, she hated to see herself breaking down infront of him.

"Fine, i won't touch you. Just listen to me once?" Annika started to walk away from him. She glanced back at him as he held her wrist tightly.

Gulping down, she saw tears glistening in his eyes, was he crying? She noticdd his fallen face, how was she supposed to say he was effecting her way to much? 

"I am sorry Annika " she heard his cracky voice, she wanted to run to him and hug him tightly and gulp his pain down but could she ever do that? No.

"I am sorry for always messing things between you and me, Annika I am.."

"Please stop with all this Mr.oberoi, can't we maintain a professional boundary between us? You know this way you won't get irritated from a girl with no..." Shivaay place his palm in front of her mouth, stopping her from talking further.

Her each word pierced his heart into a deep cut. Annika opened her mouth to speak.

"No Annika, I am really sorry" Annika's eyes travelled down his cheek as a lone tear escaped his eye. "I am sorry for hurting you everytime, sorry for always blaming your linage, for accusing you always. I am really sorry"

Annika exhaled out, she never saw him saying sorry to anyone, he was never guilty of whatever he did but today when he held his head low she couldn't help but close her eyes.

"I forgive you" he looked up to see her vanished into the thin air. Did she really forgive him? He couldn't possibly know until he meets her again now.

Omkara grabbed his car keys as Annika tapped her feet anxiously on the floor, waiting to get back home already.

"Let's move" Annika nodded. She saw shivaay approaching them with stern look on his face. "Om, if you don't bother can I drop her?" Omkara turned towards her to see if she agreed.

Omkara couldn't see her approval as well as her disapproval, sighing he handed the car keys in shivaay's hand, he had no heart to argue now.

Shivaay looked at Annika, muttering things under her breath which he couldn't hear. Annika followed him till his car and she watched him open the door for her.

She sat down with a bit of anger on top of her nose. "Annika"

"Please billuji, I said I have forgiven you. Can't we be just like how two normal friend are?"

"Yeah. Two friends" muttering the last sentence under his breath,gritting his teeth hard.

Deciding not to speak further, he knew if he did it, it will lead the conversation to nowhere but just to augments, he didn't wanted any at the moment.

He stopped the car in front of her home. She glanced at him who didn't even spare a glare at her. Sighing, she mad her way out.

"Annika" she heard him calling, she turned to face him. His face broke out into a large smile and he waved his hand at her.

She frowned at his unusual behaviour, when did he start to behave so? She shook her head and walked inside her house.

Wiping away sweat beads off her face, she blinked her eyes several times trying to adjust to the surrounding.

Everything came rushing to her mind. Recalling his shouts for not eating since morning and working without taking care of herself. She was careless, he knew, but how could she risk her health?

Her eyes travelled down to shivaay who slept uncomfortably with his head near her arm. His legs must have been paining, she thought to wake him up.

Annika faced the ceiling, why did he had to turn so good when she needed him to be far away from her? Couldn't she just run away from him and everything?

Taking a long breath in, she gathered the courage to wake him up. "Shivaay" she called him softly but he just kept on sleeping.

"Shivaay" she called out little louder and he woke up with a jerk. "Annika, are you alright?"

She got up and saw him getting up worried for her. "I am ok shivaay, stop panicking"

"Why didn't you have anything from morning?" Annika lowered her eyes and he shifted closer to her. "Hey, it's alright"

He rubbed his hand against her fingers and she stiffened. His touch made her go mushy. She found him looking at her intensely.

"Annika have something please" she nodded at his plead.

He got down the bed and went away from her sight. Annika rested her head on the headrest, why was he making it impossible for her to forget him?

She saw him coming towards her with a tray full of different food. Was he really expecting her to eat all this? She looked at his stern face.

"Eat" forwarding it to her, Annika took it with hesitation. "Finish all this and then only you are getting back to work" Annika nodded and he grabbed his phone from side table.

"Tell me if you need something" she blinked her eyes and nodded. He disappeared away from his room.

Annika was curiousity to know what was exactly happening to him. Why was he behaving so different, so caring towards her? Was she affecting him? No, she thought and frowned instantly.

She saw Omkara entering her room. "Hey, you feeling good?" She nodded in response. "Do you know how did I end up here?"

"Shivaay brought you here Annika" Annika knew it, she had faint, blurry image of being carried in his arms, in front of everyone.

Annika gasped, did he carry her into his room in front of everyone, was this supposed to happen? "Om what is happening to him?"

"You, he is affected by you Annika" Annika dropped her spoon, this was not the answer she wanted to hear, she never wanted to come in between him and Tia.

Her head dropped, how could she face his brother? "Don't worry Annika, I know whatever decision shivaay will take, it will always be best" Annika watched his serene smile and she exhaled out heavily.

"Do one thing Omkara" Annika closed her eyes tight.

"Tell him I am resigning this job"

I know I said I am not going to update but your response made me think that I should update.


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