Chapter Thirty-Four

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We left the parlor far earlier than what was probably intended for by Tsumugu.

It's weird, I thought to myself when we proceeded to the elevator to meet up with Hikari, as per our decision after the 'date'. I've read from comics and books alike that when you reject someone, especially one who was initially your friend, the aftereffects usually end up with the friendship ending in a shamble of awkward silences and growing distance.

I assumed that was where it would go, that was why I hoped he wouldn't hate me for rejecting him. I valued our friendship that's why I tried my best to be careful of my actions around him after he had confessed.

I should have known it wouldn't end that way... After all, Tsumugu valued our bond with him just the same.

Even if it was painful for us... For him... He still did his best to accept my reply whole-heartedly.

"Do you think they'll mind?" I tried to start a conversation, my eyes looking at my shoes as we walked.

"I don't think they would. You should be more concerned about Hiradaira and Mukaido cornering you for details."

I can't help but sigh at the thought, recalling the numerous times they've been eyeing me with the 'we'll talk later' look ever since they saw me with Tsumugu. "Chisaki will obviously start a spontaneous sleepover party because of it."

I see Tsumugu quirk his rarest faint smiles before he spoke. "It's nice. When you can express something so openly about something. They're good friends."

"You all are. That's why I want to do whatever it takes to make everyone happy." I admit before sighing in frustration. "But lately, I'm not doing a very good job at it."

"You're doing all that you can for their sakes while changing for the better. That's all that matters," Tsumugu assures me, a chuckle escaping my lips at how easily he had said it without bitterness in them.

He forgave me so easily, I couldn't help but feel guilty all the more.

Yet, to feel guilt over it is wrong of me. We are both trying, after all. The least I can do, for the both of us, is to move forward. He's doing his best. I should too.

"Thanks. I'll do my best to live up to those expectations," I reply before passing him a light smile.


"Eh, you're already done?" Hikari voiced out his surprise after we met up with them.

It was Tsumugu who had noticed their group when we went looking for them. They were all huddled by the cashier inside the department store, Miuna's eyes nearly in tears. Her crestfallen face was enough to earn her questioning looks from Tsumugu and I, to which Manaka explained the situation.

"We can try searching other stores if you want. We still have the whole day to go looking for a similar necklace." I proposed.

"Are you sure you both don't mind?" Hikari couldn't help but ask, his eyes swimming with emotions that I couldn't fathom.

What did his question mean, I wonder?

Surprisingly, it was Tsumugu who spoke for us. "Yes. We don't mind."

Hikari turns to me but doesn't force me to affirm Tsumugu's answer. Rather, his eyes look too distant, as if he were deep in thought. If it hadn't been for Miuna who tugged at the end of his shirt then I doubt he'd have looked away from us.

"Anyways. While it's true we still have time we can't afford to linger here any longer assuming that there could be countless of shops we have to search." Kaname decided to finally intervene. Whether he noticed the unusual silence between us or not, he didn't show it.

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