Chapter Seventeen

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"Do you know where Sayu is, Takashi?"

My brother flinched next to me, his head lowered while we walked together in silence towards the shore.

Due to the Ojoshi-sama being completely wrecked, with a few parts barely salvageable, we had to work double-time now to get it done before the Ofunehiki. So I decided to do my part and head on over to the school much earlier than the others and do my best to help, but-

I guess it was merely what I kept telling myself though.

I didn't want to admit it but I didn't feel like seeing both Chisaki and Kaname right now. After the events of yesterday, I didn't have the courage in me to act like nothing happened. Even though we all promised that we would be more open with one another, it just goes to show how much our feelings tend to get in the way of our friendship...

"I-I'm sorry..."

I stop my train of thought and wait for my brother to continue, knowing well that he knew far more than he let on. After all, Sayu and Miuna were close with him so he had to at least have known about what one of his friends had done.

"Apologizing on her behalf isn't going to make it better, Takashi. Both our friends got hurt because of this. Don't you think that we should help them fix it?"

I feel his small hand grasp onto mine tightly, my own taking it gently to reassure him that I wasn't mad while we walked onwards.

"I-I didn't mean to tell her that you guys were making the Ojoshi-sama. It just slipped out of my mouth, Aoi-nee... I didn't think Sayu would go that far... Miuna was hurting and-,"

"Miuna? Hurting? What does she have to with this?" I cut off lightly, Takashi finally meeting my gaze with eyes nearly glistening in guilty tears.

"Miuna told us that Akari-nee was going to take her mother's place. I-I tried to defend Akari-nee but Miuna and Sayu wouldn't listen! That was after I told them about the Ojoshi-sama... I'm so sorry, Aoi-nee!" He finally bawled, tears like tiny orbs of the sea cascading down his cheeks.

I kneeled to face my little brother, my hands cupping his cheeks while my thumbs gently wiped away the tears. Ah, Takashi... He truly is too pure for his own good. In a way, he has the kindness of Manaka yet the fiery stubbornness of Hikari.

I guess now I can understand why Sayu would do something like this... Miuna must be that important to her to the point that she would act so brazenly for her sake.

"S-Sayu told me that Miuna was a very important friend... Like you are with Hikari-nii, Manaka-nee, Kaname-nii, and Chisaki-nee. I don't think Sayu meant any harm and I'm sure she will apologize if I told her so-," Takashi sniffed while I patiently waited for him to continue.

Once he composed himself, Takashi spoke, "Please don't yell at her. I know all of you are hurting because of what she did but, but... If they find out then they'll get mad and-,"

I silence his mouth with my finger, a reassuring smile on my face as I patted him on the head.

"Alright. I'll make sure they don't get mad at her."

"You promise?"

Hoisting my fisted hand up to his eye-level while my pinky finger remained uncurled, I smiled and nodded.

"Pinky promise."

He returns the gesture, with his small pinky finger hooking itself onto mine. "Pinky promise."

"Well then," I say as I stand up again, "Go get Sayu after school and I'll go see everyone and explain it to them. We'll meet up during my break time alright, Taka-chan?"

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