Chapter Fourteen

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"Neh, Aoi. Isn't that your mom?" Chisaki pointed out by the entrance of Shioshishio. True enough, I saw my mother's familiar form standing by the entrance and busy conversing with a man whose back was faced to us.

Next to her was Takashi who was busy licking a lollipop, the man giving Takashi a pat on the head to which Takashi pouted and brushed him off like he always did when someone messed with his hair.

"Who's the man?" from behind, I could hear Hikari asked which made me shrug. "I don't know, mom never told me anything about seeing a guy."

"Do you think it's her boyfriend?" Manaka piped in making us all turn to her in disbelief at where she had pulled an answer like that from.

"W-where the hell did you get that idea, Manaka?!"

"We-well isn't that how we discovered Akari-san and Itaru-san were dating? So I just assumed that and..." Manaka nervously answered Hikari's outburst.

I could only shake my head at her answer, "But mom would have told me if she was seeing a man..."

"But what if it's someone from the surface?" Kaname proposed which made my blood freeze at his theory, "I mean, it would be understandable if she would keep it a secret, right?"

"You do have a po-"

"That's not it!" I cut Chisaki off, my loud outburst enough to silence them and probably gain the attention of my mother and the mysterious man.

There's just no way. The idea of my mother seeing someone from the surface... That wasn't what scared me. What scared me was the fact that she never told me. Just like that time with dad. He didn't tell us that he was already seeing someone else then. The idea of having to go through it again-

I couldn't stand it. The icy whirlpool we were subjected to, the moment he abandoned me within its watery walls all alone. Mother's screaming voice and Taka's wailing. I didn't want to have to go through it again. It wasn't where the man came from that bothered me anymore, it was the thought of possibly being left behind again that scared me.

"Aoi... I'm sorry if I spoke out of line," Kaname's voice snaps me out of my senses, my eyes each seeing my friends' faces completely etched in worry.

From behind them, I could see my mother and the man she was talking to looking our way. My mother passing me a worried look. It was only then that I realized I had been crying during my outburst, my hands relaxing from the tight fists I had subjected them too.

I hastily wiped the tears away but it was obvious that I wouldn't be able to escape the questioning.

"It's alright, you didn't mean it. I'm sorry if I worried you all and for shouting like that...".


"Please... Can we keep it at that?" I cut Kaname off, not wanting to have to discuss this again with all of them. I know Kaname was sincere with his apology, after all he rarely spoke out of turn in regards to my past. He always made sure to wait for me to tell him, making sure he didn't over-step his boundaries. It was the same with Chisaki, of course she did get carried away sometimes like mother but it was a natural reaction for her- she was the mother hen of the group after all.

Hikari and Manaka rarely spoke of it, probably because I didn't fully disclose to them anything more than what others already know seeing as they lived on the other side of the village. It was better that way, since talking about it always made me feel distressed.

"All right, Aoi..." Chisaki quietly replies and this time everyone is silenced, not bothering to bring it up as we walk towards my mother.

"Aoi? Why were you shouting? Are you crying?! What happened?" Mother, ever the mother hen she is, cupped my cheeks to face her, a crooked smile making its way to lips.

"Nothing, Hikari just accidentally stepped on my foot that's all.

"Ha?! But I-," I could hear Hikari about to protest behind me before he was silenced by probably Manaka and Chisaki. Mother didn't seem to notice the sudden silence, her worry easily dissipating at the reason. After all, she loved all my friends to bits so she easily forgave them.

"Is this your daughter, Namiko?" behind my mother, all of us could now see the face of the mysterious man mother was conversing with a few minutes ago.

He looked to be about two years older than my mother, with sun-kissed skin, dark brown hair and startling blue eyes. A few stubbles were visible on his chin and he had that warm yet tired smile of a man who always seemed to be busy. He was dressed in a simple white dress-shirt that was tucked neatly into his pair of black slacks that were secured by a brown belt.

As the setting sun's rays touched his skin, my eyes widened at the sight of it shimmering with Ena.

"Yes, this is my daughter Aoi. Aoi, this man is Takashi's doctor, Mizushima Shin." Mother introduced us, to which a wave of relief washed over me. I probably got carried away with Kaname's words. Of course, the white coat he was wearing over his clothes was the dead give away.

Kaname and Chisaki seemed to share in my relief, patting me on the head while passing me reassuring nods.

"Ano, Mr. Mizushima are you from Shioshishio?" Manaka couldn't help but ask which prompted him to flash that tired smile of his.

"Well, can't say it could be called that way seeing as I spent most of my childhood with my grandparents at the neighboring village to pursue medicine. I only moved back here recently to live with my parents again after my grandparents passed away. I'm sure you've heard of my parents? The ones who used to own the store that sold supplies to Namiji Gakuen."

"Ah! You're old man Mizushima's son!" Hikari finally exclaimed, earning him a nervous chuckle from the doctor.

"Wait, does that mean that he's the kid in the photo that Mizushima jii-san showed us? The one Chii-chan and Aoi-chan were gushing on when we were twelve?" Manaka recalled, her words making Chisaki and I turn red.

"Manaka!" we both exclaim in embarrassment, surprising Manaka but it had already been too late. Hikari and Kaname were snickering at us while my mother was muffling her giggles with her hand. Takashi was giving me that long look of disbelief while Mr. Mizushima himself was chuckling as well at the revelation.

"I guess my father hasn't stopped doing it then?"

"N-no that's not it Mr. Mizushima!" I tried to defend myself while Chisaki did the same. It was a simple admiration really. I had already liked Kaname then so it wasn't really what Manaka was insinuating. We we're twelve so of course our feelings were all mixed up then!

"It's alright. Please, Mr. Mizushima makes it feel like you're calling my father. Call me Mr. Shin since that's what I told your mother and brother to call me," he said before he extended his hand for a shake, my eyes staring down at it before looking up at him.

'He's not like father...' I thought and shook my head. Of course he's not, it's because it was all a misunderstanding. He was probably just out to check up on Takashi. I mean, he did get that feeling of worrying constantly for his patients.

Mr. Mizushima used to brag about him after all, the son he was so proud of. Mr. Mizushima described him as a hard-working son, albeit clumsy sometimes but he always did get the work done. He was also a terrible cook but he did always do his best to get better so he didn't make his parents worry about having nothing homemade to eat. He loved reading books and playing the violin, a past time he seemed to grow to love especially when he got stressed.

It's true that he would compliment mother but I just couldn't accept it. I want mother to be happy but what if she became happy with him and Takashi and I got left behind? I mean, she would have her own kids with him and they would be a whole family whereas Takashi and I were only half of it.

Dad had always been loving to us and yet in the end it was all a facade. Mr. Mizushima might be the same- the wolf in sheep's clothing that people spoke of.

As I took his hand for a timid shake, I couldn't help but feel the warmth of his hand. It told me I could trust it, that he was a sincere man if given the chance-

But I wasn't ready- not yet.

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