Chapter Twenty

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"How are they?" Tsumugu asked me, my back facing him as I tried my best to listen to the song playing in the background.

His hands clasped mine as we swayed from side to side, my eyes watching Chisaki and Hikari awkwardly dance to the tune.

"Chisaki's trying to avoid him," I whisper before turning to Manaka who worriedly eyed the awkward pair, her distraction hurting her partner who cursed aloud whenever she stepped unconsciously on his foot. "Manaka's not doing well either..."

I looked away from the group just as the music shifted, Tsumugu spinning me until we were face-to-face, my eyes darting behind him to continue and observe Manaka and Chisaki.

How could I have been so blind. I should've observed them carefully back then... If I had, then maybe-

"I doubt you would have been able to do anything if you tried," Tsumugu cut through my thoughts, my eyes immediately turning to him in frustration. "How would you know? It's been a long time since Manaka and Chisaki were this awkward with each other. If I don't do anything soon then they-,"

"Then let them," Tsumugu finished for me before continuing. "If you stop them from trying to figure this out then they'll never move forward. They have to go through this even if it means fighting in the process."

"But what if it becomes irreparable? Then what?"

"It won't. If your friendship is as strong as you say it is then everything will go well."

At his explanation, I can't help but wryly smile. "It's funny, how you always seem to find the right words to assure me. I always thought that you were just acting cool when you act all nonchalant and emotionless but it turns out that you're kinder than you appear to be."

The song ends just as I finish my words, both of us backing away to each give our bows. Sensei applauds our class' performance before sending us off, my eyes immediately trailing to see in disappointment that both Chisaki and Manaka had vanished, leaving Hikari and Kaname to be the only ones to approach us.

"Man, what the hell's wrong with her? I obviously don't stink," Hikari complains before suddenly glowering at me when he saw the slight mirth dancing in my eyes. "Don't say anything! Unless you want me to remind you of your embarrassing stunt this morning."

I turned red at Hikari's smug expression afterwards, my embarrassment turning to mortification when Kaname turned red next to him. "Hikari you idiot! I wasn't even going to say anything to you!"

"What stunt?" Tsumugu couldn't help but ask which made me gape at him. "N-nothing you should concern yourself with!" I nearly squawk before glaring daggers back at Hikari. "Why can't you just learn to shut your mouth?!"

"What?! I'm not the one carelessly lifting my-,"

"Gah!" I screamed before shutting his mouth this time with my hands. "Just stop it!" I continued, my voice edging beyond irritation to which Hikari was finally silenced.

"Good." I nod with finality at his silenced form before grabbing Tsumugu to hunt down Manaka and Chisaki. "Let's go, we have to find them."

Tsumugu and I leave Hikari and Kaname behind to locate my two other friends while ignoring Hikari's loud outburst from across the field.

"What the hell?!"

He can be such a petty kid sometimes!


"So, what were you and Tsumugu up to?" Hikari cornered me during lunchbreak. Kaname lifted a curious brow at my direction while we continued to arrange the tables to face each other.

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