The silence took over. Donghyuck didn't know how Mark would react. Donghyuck was afraid Mark would think he's weird. Or worse, Mark would hate him and thought that Donghyuck was a crazy stalker who had a dumb crush on him.

Donghyuck was taken aback when Mark laughed. It was a sincere laugh.

"Here we are, about to have another night talk after years of not doing it." Mark's laughter died down, but his voice told Donghyuck that he was amused. "You are still as sensitive as you were back then when it comes to feelings. Sometimes I wonder if you have a sixth sense."

Donghyuck sent him a sly smile. "How are you, Mark? You looked like a dead man at school lately."

"I guess you've heard about my break-up with my ex girlfriend?" Mark retorted. From the look on Donghyuck's face, Mark could tell he had heard of it. "There's nothing much to tell, Donghyuck-ah. She wanted to take a break, so we separated. Either for some times, or forever. I don't know yet. That's okay, I didn't feel like she and I would be a real deal. It was just another fling, but darn, why does it feel bad?"

By now, Donghyuck was also sitting by his windowsill, legs dangling on the edge. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm not used to being alone. Yes, I have my friends and family. But I want to feel the kind of love we get from our significant other." Mark ruffled his own hair, guitar sitting nicely on his laps.

"Or maybe you don't." Donghyuck shrugged. "I haven't been into a serious relationship before. I almost gotten myself a boyfriend, but we didn't work out. Yeah, I was crushed at first but it turned out I can live on my own without him."

Mark stared at Donghyuck and tilted his head. "Maybe you're right."

Donghyuck smiled at the older guy. "You're going to be okay, Mark. I know you are. If you ever want to talk to someone, I live nextdoor. We also go to the same school. I haven't changed my number. The point is, you have me... if you, you know, want to talk. I-I don't mean to—"

"Thank you very much, Donghyuck, I appreciate it." Mark snickered at Donghyuck's nervousness. To ease it down, Mark started to ask him questions regarding his life. They hadn't had a catch-up session for years.

What Donghyuck didn't expect was for Mark to take his offer for real. Mark would come to his class, walk with him, eat lunch in his table, text or call him, and threw small pebbles to his window at night. Mark really needed someone to talk to, and he found Donghyuck was very opened and very welcoming. Mark was comfortable with him. What was once a dead friendship got revived.

"You're now going out with Donghyuck?"

Mark frowned. "What are tou talking about, Jeno?"

"We've been eating lunch in his table for almost two months now."

"I thought you might fancy his friend, Renjun. I'm doing you a favor."

If only they weren't in the library, Jeno would yell at Mark and slapped his back. Jeno didn't deny it, though. He did find Renjun attractive.

"We were talking about you, not me." Jeno rolled his eyes. "So, are you going out with Donghyuck or not?"

"No, you're being ridiculous. Stop jumping into conclusions."

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