Grade 8

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Title : Grade 8
Pairing : Renhyuck (Renjun x Donghyuck)
️Contains foul language and violence

"Your eyes are my mirror
to take me to the edge again."


"Thank you, Donghyuck! You're the best!"

The tanned boy just smiled as one of his classmates ran back to her seat, clutching Donghyuck's Math homework in her hand. Soon, some other kids piled up around the girl's table, ready to copy his answers into their notebooks.

The answers he'd been working on all night, which caused him to have only three hours of sleep in total.

It doesn't matter, Donghyuck thought to himself. They need you, you're their friends now.

A small part of him didn't agree. This small part had been wanting to release itself from the corner of Donghyuck's mind. It just needed a trigger to break lose and control Donghyuck again.

Donghyuck looked down at his table, looked down at his hands. They were shaking, Donghyuck prayed to whatever deities who was responsible for the universe that he would make it today. That he wouldn't snap. That he wouldn't let the dark corrupted him again.

"Yah! Yah, Jeju kid!"

Donghyuck blinked and pulled his hands under the table. He turned his head to the right. Oh, his seatmate had arrived. Renjun made it here before the bell rang today, must had woken up earlier than usual.

"Y-yes?" Donghyuck braced himself. Renjun was pretty intimidating with his cold eyes and arrogant face. He didn't talk much outside of his small yet exclusive group of friends, and nobody didn't really care about him. Renjun wasn't a straight-A student, wasn't a part of the council, wasn't a part of any club. He came to school because their country required them to go to school.

"Are you sick?" Renjun asked, still with his straight face. The question baffled Donghyuck away, until he couldn't provide a clear answer.

Renjun decided to touch his forehead with his index finger. Donghyuck swatted his hand away.

"Maybe you caught a flu, you're pretty warm." Renjun hummed. "Wear something thicker than that cardigan of yours. Get a jacket or something."

"Why do you care?"

"I don't want to get infected with your virus, Jeju kid." Renjun rolled his eyes and leaned back on his seat, taking out his phone and opened the messenger app.

That was probably the second or third time they talked to each other, despite being seatmates for almost five months. Donghyuck didn't mind the silence between them, nor did he mind when Renjun initiated a small chat like that morning. Donghyuck never had anything against Renjun, they were doing just fine.

Another reason why Donghyuck could stand Renjun was because he never asked Donghyuck to help him with homework or tests. Unlike the rest of the class who seemed to only come to him when they needed an answer for homeworks and tests. Renjun slept in classes, got C for some subjects, ditched the school at least once a week, and showed no interest in making friends in their class. He never asked Donghyuck if he could copy his homework, or to give him the answer to a test.

Donghyuck didn't understand him, yet he respected him. At least he didn't get on Donghyuck's nerve.

Donghyuck decided to take a small nap before the bell rang, he laid his head down on the table, facing the windows on his left. Little did he realize that Renjun stole a glance at him. Little did he realize that Renjun saw how his hand turned white from how hard he fisted it earlier.

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