Seokjin rubbed his forehead, he wanted to puke. He stood up abruptly, startling everyone, and left the table with his teacup.

People whispered behind his back, mocking him. Some of them let out their wings to embarrass him. He clenched the glass, until he heard an ugly crack that made him feel a little satisfied but the itch kept asking to be scratched.


But he must stay for a while, to pay respect to his grandfather.

"No!" A high pitched yelp brought him back to reality. He tilted his head and walked closer to the source of that sound.

The sound led him to the garden behind the mansion. The cold weather made him shiver, it was winter after all.

The snow on his black hair looked beautiful but the two boys before him looked even prettier than the huge pile of white snow.

"Jungkook! Get down here!" The taller kid shouted, his brown hair fluffy and bouncing along with him.

It seemed the kid was trying to get the other kid down from the tree branch, but no matter how far the older kid tried to reach, the tree branch was too high for him.

The other kid, the one Seokjin assumed as his little brother, giggled at his older brother. He looked smug and kinda cocky, it resembled Seokjin and Namjoon.

It was when the younger kid lost his grip on the branch that Seokjin almost stopped breathing. He moved fast enough to catch the little kid before he hit the ground right on his face. The older brother's jaw dropped, eyes wide and the next thing he knew, both of the kids started crying together.

The one called Jungkook gripped Seokjin's leather jacket like there was no tomorrow while the older kid ran to his side and scolded his younger brother while crying.

Seokjin found himself in a weird situation. He couldn't move because the other kid was refusing to let his jacket go and the older one was still ranting about how dangerous and stupid Jungkook was.

"S-Sowwy-" Jungkook, the kid with raven hair, said between his sobs.

"D-Don't do that again!" his older brother shouted, making Seokjin cover his ears. "What would have happened if nobody had been here to save you like this older brother did!" he added again loudly.

Seokjin flinched when the older brother also hugged him. Technically he tried to hug his younger brother but ended up falling on Seokjin's lap and decided to remain there.

"Um, kids?" Seokjin called awkwardly, both of them raised their heads to meet Seokjin's face.

"Oh?" Jungkook eyed him with his doe eyes, "Appa?" he called. Seokjin felt his head spinning.

"Pardon?" he replied.

"Grandpa?" the older kid tilted his head. For the first time after the accident he finally saw his savior and it looked awfully like his Grandpa; except the man looked more handsome and younger.

"There you are!" Seokjin saw Namjoon running towards them, "Jungkook! Taehyung! I've been looking for you two!" the other male said while panting.

Seokjin raised his eyebrow, clearly confused. Jungkook shook his head, still refusing to let Seokjin's jacket go.

"Ah Hyung," Namjoon let out a sigh, "I was about to introduce them to you," he made an excuse.

"Who are they?" Seokjin asked with a serious voice, Jungkook and Taehyung flinched a little but stubbornly stayed beside Seokjin.

Namjoon rubbed the back of his head, as he always does that when he's nervous, "well, they are.... They are grandpa's kids."

Seokjin choked.

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