I watched as the sun started to grow less and the dense of the trees started to grow more, shade was blocking out all light and I found it rather appealing to be in calming darkness. The forest wasn't as green as you would expect, there were many plants around, as well as many creatures. Up ahead, I was able to see a large battle going on, a Trike was battling two Raptors. One Raptor had a dark orange body with dark yellow body accents to mingle with, the feathers on his body were peach orange while the tip of them were mint green, and his belly was a off black that heaved as he launched himself at the Trike

The second Raptor had a light yellow belly with a dark grey body, the medium green accents gave him a rough appeal than anything else about him. His feathers were dark green with the tips turning to a bright mint green, it was an astonishing feather makeup but it was growing very bloody from the beating it was taking from the Trike

I grabbed my dress and corrected it on my shoulders, trying to hide my breast as I got a little nervous because the fight was right in the path of the Rex. The Trike was trying to defend itself while the Raptors viciously attacked it, my eyes widened as we got closer and closer to the ongoing life-or-death battle, the Rex climbed over a big rock and you could hear it's feet slam toward the ground as it stepped off it.

My heart raced in my chest as we drew nearer and nearer, I glanced up toward the man on the Argy but couldn't catch sight of him as I looked back toward the fight. One Raptor noticed us coming in the distance and did a scary roar, making me squeal as I got ready to take flight off the Rex and hopefully to safety. Suddenly, something ripped from the sky and crushed the roaring Raptor completely, my mouth dropped open as I stared in shock while the man's Argy started to rip through everything easily. 

I watched in fear and awe as the Argy killed the Trike, leaving it in a very bloody mash of flesh before the dead body dissolved into nothing. The once crushed Raptor had managed to regain it's bloody composure before it tried to take off but the Argy quickly took flight and grabbed it in it's claws, making my jaw drop farther if possible. The Argy went to the sky and started to shred the Raptor until it's body became a bloody mash as well then dissolving in the Argy's sharp talons. 

The last Raptor was glancing around for the Argy, and I was too but it was hard to spot it amongst all the thick, tall trees preventing some of the sunlight from coming through. Suddenly, a very loud, animalistic call, which I assumed was the Argy, was heard and seconds later, the large bird came down and viciously stomped on the Raptor, crushing it into a bloody mash as I stared on in shock. I watched on as the man's Argy started to walk while he surveyed everything, he stared at the ground with stern eyes before they turned onto me and I quickly dropped mine to make it seem like I wasn't staring at him.

"Stay caught up." He said suddenly, making me glance up at him before dropping my eyes to the ground.

I nodded quietly before the Rex I was riding started to move toward him, there was no way I was controlling the Rex but I didn't argue with him in the fear that he would make his Argy attack me next. I held onto the handle of the Rex Saddle tightly, scared that I would fall off if I released it, I wasn't sure where that man was leading me exactly but I knew it was to his home, wherever that was. 

The feeling of the Rex jarring beneath me gave me a sick sensation but after a while, I started to enjoy the ride while watching the creatures from small to medium slowly pass without a care in the world that I was near them. A Dodo wobbled along the trail I was following with the man as he led me and the beast I sat atop of to our new location, which was probably his personal home. It was still sort of agonizing as I wasn't used to any of this, I still believed I was dreaming but as it seemed, I couldn't wake up so maybe all of this was actually real and I was just having a hard time believing it myself. 

The trail went on a little further before we reached what looked like a giant gate, even from afar, I could tell it was very tall but what was worse was a tall creature nestling right in front of the gate and the T-Rex was heading straight for it. It was a Carnotaurus and it looked rather hungry as it sensed us and turned it's eyeball toward us, I nervously gulped as I prepared for a war until suddenly something swooped down and managed to swoop up the Carno, the Argy struggled for a moment but it managed to defeat the beast. If I was ever told I'd be put into this situation, I'd walk away before the person even finished their sentence but this was something I was still in disbelief about. 

This brawny figure of a man weren't real, this forest we were tearing through wasn't real, this life wasn't real, and shit, dinosaurs probably aren't real either. What the hell was all of this? I dodged my face from being smacked a few times as we continued to pave along the trail that led past the door and into the closed off area, it was mostly quiet in here but even I could look around and see it was the stranger's base. It seemed that then everything was dawning on me and I couldn't move fast enough as the T-Rex came to a stop and I tumbled to the ground moments later from squirming to get away from this sudden realization. 

I actually was in another dimension, I actually was surrounded by creatures that went extinct millenniums ago, and I actually was in possession to a man I didn't know. I tried desperately to comprehend what was happening and why was it happening to me, but I came up with nothing because I hadn't wronged anyone in the past twenty-so years in my life. Well, there was one guy in school that I wronged because I gave him the wrong answer purposely but that wouldn't affect me, right? 

I heard flapping of wings and it brought me back to my senses as the man unmounted the large bird that he had domesticated somehow, how can someone make a creature like that his or her pet? I coward away out of instinct of cautiousness as he towered so high above me, he was automatically tall with me standing beside him but he blocked out the entire sun when he stood over me.

"What's wrong?" He asked stupidly, making me look at in disbelief, he acted like all this around him was normal.


"Where the fuck am I?" I finally asked, mustering up enough courage.

ARK: Survival Evolved: Respawning LoveWhere stories live. Discover now