Pete's Tragedy

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But one incident made me run away.
It was only me and my uncle that night, he was drunk. He went into my room and tried to rape me. Saying I was so beautiful, he can't help it.

It took all everything I have to get away from him. I ran away from the house and saw this building. It was this same night, today is the anniversary of my new life in the orphanage."

Ae let go of Pete's hand and stood up. He went behind Pete and hugged him. Pete was crying uncontrollably but Ae let him. When Pete tears become muffled cries, he continued.

"In the orphanage I met Noh. Life was better but I am not. I don't speak at all. I always have nightmares and cry at night. I was not fit to interact with others, but Noh stayed by my side. He was so patient in helping me become functional, to help me live my life again. After we left the orphanage, he stayed by me, the only family I have left.

My life has been better now. But I still have my demons in me, my anxieties, my fears. Family topics has always been a sensitive issue to me. I envy them, I curse my fate, I even questioned my life. That's how broken I am."

"Pete, that's enough for today. We can talk about the rest some other time."

Ae was now seated infront of Pete, wiping the tears from those reddened eyes.

"My life is so tragic. Don't you think so, P'Ae?"

"It may have been but you have been so strong, Pete. Thank you for holding on until the day I met you."

Pete blinked with confusion, not fully understanding what his P'Ae means.

"You still look adorable even though you are a crying mess. Your eyes are puffy but they are still beautiful. However, I don't want to see you sad anymore. It's our first date but you are crying."

Ae tried to show his sweetest smile. His adorable angel has been through a lot.

"You don't pity me, P'Ae?"

"How can I pity a person as strong as you? You don't need my pity, Pete, nor anyone's pity."

"Thank you, P'Ae."

"No, Thank you, Pete. For sharing this story to me. For letting me know who you are and what you have been through."

Ae hugged Pete so tight. If he will be honest, he doesn't want to let go. He wanted to comfort him until he feels better. Until the pain is gone. He wanted to shelter him from everthing.

"I'll bring you home now. It's already morning and you have work later, right?"

"Yes, P'Ae."

"Let's go."

Ae offered his hand which Pete took. They walked out of the playground holding each other hands.


The trip to Pete's house was quiet but one thing was noticeable. Ae did not let go of Pete's hand even for a second.

"Are you sure you are fine driving with just one hand, P'Ae?"

"Do you want me to let go?"

"Ahmm, I'm just worried."

"I'm fine, Pete. I would not want it any other way. Please let me hold your hand until we reach your house."

"Okay, P'Ae."

Pete was relieved that Ae did not let go of his hand. He love the warmth and the comfort it gives him.

After a few more minutes, they were infront of Pete's house. Ae stopped the car.

"Pete, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, P'Ae?"

"Can we go out more often? It may be breakfast, lunch or dinner. Just let me know when and where, I'll come to you. Please."

"Sure, P'Ae."

Pete was so happy. He thought his P'Ae will be scared of associating with him because of the past he has but now he wanted to share his time with him.

"Thank you for a wonderful and meaningful first date, Pete."

Ae then get out of the car to open the door for Pete and waited for him to get out of the car. But Pete was not going out.

"What's the problem, Pete?"

"I can't remove the seatbelt."

"You're really such a kid."

Ae teases and removed the seatbelt.

When he look up, Ae found Pete's face so near to him. His eyes looked at still puffy red eyes then fixated themselves to the plump lips before him.

Ae was not able to hold it anymore as he brought his lips to claim Pete's lips. His kiss was light, trying to feel the warmth. Then he deepened the kiss, nibbling on the lower part. Pete was not able to contain his moan, making Ae want more access. One of his hands was holding his angel's cheek while the other was wrapped on his waist to bring him closer to him. Ae could feel the fast heartbeat of Pete.

When Ae broke their kiss, Pete was catching his breath. Pete was blushing, lips a bit swollen. It was one of the most beautiful sight Ae has seen. He needed to clench his fist to control his desire to bring this guy home.

Pete can't breath. He was overwhelm by Ae's kiss. His surroundings was fuzzy. He can't think straight. And he knew he heard himself moan, what the hell was that, he was asking himself.

"Pete, I am giving you the chance to go home. Please go in. You need to rest."

"Okay, P'Ae. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, My Adorable Angel."

Ae stayed in the car after Pete went into house. He needed to calm his breathing if he wanted to come home in one piece. Pete's lips was the sweetest thing he has tasted his entire life.


I know it is almost Christmas but I can't find a better time to let you know about Pete.

And pardon the kiss, this is the first time I am writing something like this.
It was hard as hell.

Pieces of MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora