Chapter Thirty-One: Katherine Needs to Keep Her Mouth Shut

Start from the beginning

"Jenni calm down, take a deep breath," Katherine reassured me so I didn't boil up in the middle of the cafeteria. "First of all, I think Nick would understand. He's a nice guy, I bet he can find another two days. Plus how do you know that Matt is busy this weekend?"

"Because he told me. You were there, don't you remember?" I looked at her, judging her wondering how she forgot it so quickly.

"Oh yeah. Well maybe you should ask him again to make sure he really is busy," Katherine said slyly.

"Uhm I'm pretty sure he's actually busy. Unless...wait Kat, what are you trying to say?" I looked shocked, "Do you think he may be lying about being busy?"

"What?! No! I'm not saying that at all. I think he's telling the truth. Like you need to trust your boyfriend Jenni that he's not lying about being busy this weekend so he can't come to Prom with you," Katherine fidgeted. I could tell she was very uncomfortable and struggling.

"No Katherine, I think you're onto something. But what do you think is the good reason for Matt to lie to me so that he wouldn't have to come to my Prom?" I started to doubt everything Matthew said. Why would he lie? This was now what was stressing me the most. What could he possibly be doing that's better than going to Prom with me? I really wanted Prom to be a magical night for me, but obviously Matt could care less about it.

"Hm I don't know. You should really talk to him about this concern of yours," Katherine said, trying to pressure me to resolve this issue on my own.

"No," I immediantly responded. At this moment, I was a bit upset with Matthew. Wait, that's an understatement. I'm more than a bit upset. "If he's lying to me then I'll let him confess it to me. I won't bring it up to him and I'll see if he tells me the truth first, but if not, I honestly don't know where our relationship is going to go."

"Jenni c'mon, don't you think you're a bit overreacting?" Katherine asked with a drastic moan. "He's your boyfriend and he seems super honest and trustworthy."

"But how do you know that Kat?" I asked her with an upset tone. "You sparked a possibility in my mind that all those meetings he's been having aren't really meetings at all."

"Jennifer Anne Waters. Please be rational about this. I doubt he would do anything to hurt you," Katherine tried to bring a positive attitude into our conversation and tried to make me think of the positive possibilities rather than the negative ones.

"Nope, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. If he admits what's really being going on and why he doesn't want to go to Prom with me then I'll slowly start to trust him again. But until then, I'm not going to talk to him. Period. If he has the balls to tell me the truth, great. If he doesn't, then I don't think we can date anymore. Simple as that," I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I expressed all my emotions in the last five minutes and I honestly felt relieved. I came to a consensus and I'm going to stick with it. I'll wait and see if he tells me the truth. But I'm not going to talk to him until he does, which is going to kill me.

"Wow that's awesome Jenni! Take a stand for yourself! Even though Matt is famous, let him know that he can't walk all over you," Katherine said giving me a high-five. But then she suddenly took back her high-five and paused, "Wait what am I saying? You and Matthew are the cutest couple ever! Don't let you guys end over a little petty thing. You just need to talk to him and figure this out. Call him!"

"It's not a little petty thing Katherine. It's honesty. That's a huge thing that is important in a relationship," I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I was still stressed and this conversation with Katherine wasn't helping at all. "Whatever. I'm done with this conversation. I just can't deal with all this. I'm just not going to talk to him for awhile."

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