Chapter 13

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We're currently in Tasmania. I have to see the location for the new hotel. I'm still a bit distracted but work must not stop. Zander is supposed to meet us there and show us around. 

The police are still investigating and I'm trying not to see my friends and family in case the stalker follows me to them. Johnathan said the stalker didn't seem to want to hurt me but that doesn't necessarily apply to people around me.

I'm hoping he wouldn't have followed me here. This was a last minute plan suggested by Zander and I took security measures. I changed the car twice and no one knows where I'm going.

We reach the site and Zander stands there at the entrance looking handsome as ever. We greet each other and I introduce him to the team handling this project. 

"Let's go see the inside shall we?" We follow him inside.

Everyone pairs up and off they went looking around to see what equipment is needed and how much. Which meant only Zander and I were left in the lobby. I hadn't seen him since the Ben incident on the weekend.  I start to walk off but he stops me.

"Delta please wait." He walks around me so he is standing in front of me.

"I'm not going to ask about the details, I just want to know how you're holding up." Stop being nice to me, it's hard to ignore you.

"I'm fine, don't I look fine?" The others didn't notice so I thought I looked normal.

"You can hide it from others but not me. I was there on the weekend, I've been in your position before. I know what it feels what it does to you inside." Yeah sure.

"You don't 'know' me Zander. You're a client and I'm just someone you've given your new project to. That's it." He walks towards me and I walk back until I feel a wall behind me. He puts both of his hands on the wall near my waist and leans close to me.

I gulp. His perfume scent wafts up my nose.

"That's it huh? You don't feel the butterflies at the pit of your stomach right now? Because I certainly do." I snap my eyes to him when he says that. My mouth slightly parted. I didn't know he felt that too.

"That reaction tells me you feel them. Come on Delta you can't tell me you don't like me. You think you can hide it well but trust me everyone knows. Your employees left so quickly because they wanted to leave the two of us alone." I frown. They are so dead.

"It's not their fault, I asked them to leave us alone." 

"Why would you do that?" 

"Isn't it obvious? I like you, ever since we met. You took my breathe away when I first saw you looking like an angry goddess." Goddess? Me? He likes me?

"I... don't know what to say." I'm surprised he admitted that to me. I haven't even admitted it to myself out loud yet.

"How? I mean we've only met a handful of times." He moved his hands and turned away.

"I'm a man who knows what he wants. I stopped running from things a while back. I want to get to know you more Delta." Okay maybe it's time I stopped running too. Plus I need a break especially since I know this probably won't last long why not. It's time to be mature about this.

"I-I would like to get to know you too Zander." He spins around and he looked sceptical.

"Go on a date with today then." We have work thou- no. Delta no excuses.

"Okay, I'd like that." 

"Let's go then." Wait now?


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