Chapter 11

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The car. It's the Silver Jaguar XK.

"No." He turns to me with a cute little confused look on his face.

"Pardon? Is something wrong?"

"Were you at the LimeLight club a few weeks ago?" It's the car that I thought was following me. No way! He has to be the "fine piece of man" that Manny was talking about.

"Yes, a few of my friends wanted to go out but I ended up leaving early. Why?" It's definitely him.

"Well I was there. My friends threw me a welcome back party." His eyes went wide.

"Huh so you were the woman my friends were teasing me about." I don't think he meant to say that out loud. So Manny wasn't the only one to notice.

I laugh a little. "So you live in Cranbourne huh, me too."

"Wait, how do you know?"

"When you were leaving did you see a black Jaguar? That was me."

"That's a fine car you got. Seems we have heaps to talk about over coffee." I agree and get into his car.


We were sipping our 2nd cup of coffee. I found out lot of things about him. His parents are dead, he only talks about his sister and her baby that's due soon. We're both fans of sports cars. We live about 10 minutes drive away from each other. I'm feeling a lot more comfortable with him now, that's not to say that the sexual tension is any less. I've come to accept that I'm attracted to him. No point denying it, I'm just afraid. The males in my life haven't been well.... they've disappointed me.

I'm not ready to say it out loud yet though. I mean it's more than a crush. I guess I'll get to know him more over the project anyways.

He was telling me how he's got a nursery set up in his house for when he has to babysit his nephew. He'd be an amazing dad.

We were just about finished when I heard my name being called out. I recognise that voice it's my mum. What's she doing here.

"Delta!" I turn and she walks towards me. I stand and smile at her as she reaches me.

"Mum, how are you here?" I give her a hug.

"Oh I had coffee with some friends, I was just leaving when I heard you. Who's this handsome man?" Almost forgot about Zander.

"This is Zander Moretti, I've just signed a contract with his company." They shake hands.

"Mrs. Swanson, it's lovely to meet you." Hasn't been Mrs. Swanson for a few years now but it's cool he doesn't know. 

"Oh it's Isabelle dear, it's lovely to meet you too".

I hug her again. What? I've missed her okay, she's my mother. Plus I've been stressed and haven't seen her. 

"We'll we were leaving too, Isabelle. I can drop you off if you'd like?" I couldn't really offer mum a ride since I don't have my car. 

"Yes mum, please come back to mine. There.. are certain matters I have to discuss with you." I need to rant to her.

"Of course. I did get a call yesterday much to my surprise, but we can talk about that once we get home." That means he called her. It's very likely he told her about the things being sent to me. I didn't want to worry her maybe I'll downplay it.

There wasn't a second of awkward silence in the car. It went from mum subtly teasing me about Zander though I doubt it that subtle to Zander asking my mum lots of questions. I sat there amazed he gets along with the most important person in my life, now that's a good quality to me. He's earning some real points here.

Not a moment too soon we were outside my house.

"You have a beautiful house, Ms.Swanson."

"Thank you Mr.Moretti and please call me Delta." I sent him a little smile. 

"Okay Delta and it's Zander to you." Damn someone fan me right now. His sultry voice and my name, what a deadly combo.

"Would you like to come in?" 

"Thanks for the offer but I have to get home and I'm sure you ladies have plenty to talk about."

"Okay, drive home safe." He pulls out of the driveway.

"Bye beautiful ladies." We wave at him. I blush a little.

I turn to inspect the porch in case there is a box there but there wasn't. I open the door and we go in. I know what's coming, I can't avoid it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sigh.

"It's not that I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want you worrying, maybe it's a prank. Maybe it's just someone who is infatuated with me. I have security mum, they are working on it." 

We spend the rest of the evening catching up. I gave her all the details of the incident at Moretti hotels and she got mad just like when I had first briefly told her.

She started asking questions about Zander but I brushed it off saying he's just a client and nothing else. I'm sure she knows I like him. There's no point saying it out loud if nothing is going to come of it.


Ben came to watch over me tonight. Mum wanted to go home so I insisted that Ben drove her. I haven't had alone time today, I need it. It would take Ben 40 minutes to drop her off and come back. 

It's 6:30 now. I'll take a bath and have wine. 

I ended up spending an hour in the bath. I didn't hear Ben but I assume he's just running a little late then. I hear a knock on the door. Oh seems he's here now.

I tie my robe tightly and start to walk downstairs towards the door. As I'm heading down the stairs the lights go out. About 5 seconds later they come back on. We get these weird short power cuts once in a while. I get to the door and look into the camera... and there's no one at the door. 

That's weird because I swear I heard a knock. Perhaps I should call Ben and see where he is. I grab my phone and call him. It rings but no answer. I call him twice but he doesn't pick up. I call mum and she tells me he left half an hour ago. He should have been back 10 minutes ago. 

I try calling him again and he picks up on the fourth ring.

"Finally Ben, where are you? Are you okay?" I hear heavy breathing on the other end.

"Were you running or something. Did someone steal you car?" I try to get a response but nothing just breathing.

I hear another knock on the door. I walk over to the camera and no one is at the fucking door. Okay now I'm anxious. 

"Is that you? Are you fucking with me right now? It's not funny." My heart was starting to beat a little faster. I end the call. 

Something is definitely wrong. I check the camera again making sure no one is outside. I slowly open the door and walk outside. 

"Ben." I call out. My sensor porch light didn't turn on. So I struggle to see outside for a few seconds until my eyes adjust to the darkness. 

I see something or rather someone leaning against the side fence that separates my neighbour's house and mine. 

"Whoever you are you need to get off my property right now." I turn on the torch on my phone and walk closer to the person. It seemed like a male. He was standing strangely still. I'm so done with this, I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder to turn him around. He falls to the ground.

I let out a shriek.



Phew it got a little intense and honestly I was sort of getting scared writing this. LOL

I wonder why she let out a shriek?


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