Chapter 6

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"I was surprised she didn't lash out at Xavier, though that wouldn't have gone down well for her." I explain to Jasmine. I had her on FaceTime since Xavier wanted to talk to her.

"Xavier apologised. And there was this waiter that kept whispering something to her, I think that had to be why she didn't say anything." Jasmine looks deep in thought, then she says,

"Maybe he told her who you are, that's why she backed down". I hum.

"Maybe. Anyways I have to get things ready for tonight's event, I'll talk to you soon. Say bye to mummy Xavier." I put him in my lap. 

After disconnecting the call, I remember I need to call mum.

I call her twice but she doesn't answer. 

'Hi mum, I'm assuming you are busy since you didn't answer. I'm sorry I forgot to call yesterday, it was a busy day with work and Xavier. I'll be attending a charity event tonight, so I'll call you once I'm home xx.'

It's 1:00pm right now. I have to be there by 6:00 and it's only a 20 minute drive. I'll take about an hour and a half to get ready. I have two hours to spare, shall I work or sleep? I have to put Xavier down for a nap so I shall take a nap with him. I'll set the alarm for 3:30pm.


Black or emerald green. I guess black is something many women would wear tonight. Emerald green it is. The white Gucci gown fits snugly on my body, with Louboutin emerald green stilettos and white diamond earrings. I got my hair put up in an elegant bun. I get my little man in his tux and gel up his hair.

Let's be honest these so called charity events are just another thing where women try to dress better than the others and try to show up with a hot date.

5:35pm. That's good we're on time. I grab my white clutch and we head off to the car. 

The paparazzi here is controlled and sophisticated since it's a cancer foundation charity event. But the security is holding some off which I guess just showed up without an invite. They take photos, I shield Xavier from their bright flashes. I hear the reporters firing off questions. 

"Who's your date Ms. Swanson?"

"Is that your son Ms. Swanson?" and so on.

Once inside we get I grab a champagne from a nearby waiter. I need this so bad. 

I find the Pynes' coming towards me. I greet Minister Pyne with a firm handshake and I turn to Mrs. Py- I mean Carolyn, we give each other a kiss on the cheek. 

"It's nice to see you again Carolyn. How are the kids?" I ask with Xavier clinging to my legs.

"It's nice to see you, it's been too long. The kids are doing great though they weren't happy about not being able to see you". Their kids are actually pretty cool and we get along like siblings. 

"And who might this little handsome man be?" She asks bending down and looking at Xavier. 

He hugs her and whispers "I'm Xavier". I'm surprised he warmed up to her so quick, usually he shies away. 

She laughs and picks him up. 

"Auntie look, she's nice like grawma!" 

"Yes baby, she is". 

"I hope you brought your check-book Minister Pyne." I turn to see him grinning.

"Please Delta, it's Chris outside the office." I nod. 

Dealing with Delta (on hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz