I started singing my song acapella. Just feeling it out. I never even heard the door opening.

    "Pretty good for your first time writing."

I turned to see a boy I didn't see on the plane. I thought we left him on Jeju island.

    "Min Hyo Rin invited me in saying you were here."

   "Yeah, she would. If Taeyang saw you, he'd just close the door in your face." I laughed.

   "You wanting to join the family in the singing industry?"

    "Not really. Just writing an apology song to a whole company of singers. Something my brother did but only to me. Not a whole family of professionals."

    "Well from what I heard, it's pretty good. Want my help?"

    "You can write music?"

    "Not amazing like RM or even Taeyang. I'm just offering what little I do know though."

We spent hours in the studio playing with lines and chorus of my song. I can see why GD spent so long in the studio. But as the hours ticked by and the recording playing, I felt my head leaning on Jin's shoulder just living in the moment. Next thing I felt was his warm lips on the top of my head. I reveled at the moment forgetting my song but actually going back in time when Jin kissed me on the lips. It was his last plea for me to stay but I just couldn't then. His feelings for me I thought would have changed but his sweet touches just bring me back to the past when he kissed me begging me to stay. So I moved my head looking into his eyes. Both talking without saying a word and slowly leaning closer. Nose touching and lips barely grazing each other. Just one more breath and we would be kissing.

    "So how's the song-"

We pulled away from each other as Taeyang came opening the door. We were both blushing while trying to act normal.

   "What just happened and why is Jin here? MIN!!!!"

Oh my gosh, is he really calling her over here?

She walked overseeing us both blushing and avoiding eye contact. She started to laugh while giving me a sign that she knew what just happened. Thank God Taeyang was still clueless (or I hope he still is). Not like we did anything to hide though.

    "Come on YoungBae. I invited him in. Leave him and Hana alone to finish up her song."

As she was pulling him away,

    "No no no...she can't be alone with that guy. Or any guy matter or fact."

She then started to whisper in his ear which led him to give us some space but not after he yelled to leave the door open.

We both started laughing while trying to avoid what almost happened.

   "So umm...song sounds great."

    "Yeah, thanks for the help."

We both stood up but not moving at all to the door.

   "Want some help tomorrow?"

    "If you're not busy."

My heart pounding. Staring back into his warm eyes. Both inviting and conflicted. Then one step closer and leaned down to my ear.

    "I want to kiss you, Hana, just only when you're ready. You know I've always wanted to kiss you."

My heart stopped as he pulled away. For so long we were just kids flirting thinking it was a feeling that would fade. Only did the opposite and grew as time passed us by. My hands reached for his hands tugging him back to face me. Slowly lifting my hand to caress his cheek.

   "I'm ready now Jin."

He then bent down to kiss my lips. Not rushed or a plea. Just a sweet kiss of confirmation of how we were both feeling. My hands wrapped around his neck while his hands were gently holding my face. As we pulled away, our foreheads were leaning together.

    "So a little late to ask but...want to be my girlfriend?"

Before I could answer, we heard someone clearing their throat.

    "Yeah Hana, want to be his jagi?"

We both looked at Min Hyo Rin leaning on the doorframe with a smirk on her face.

    "How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

    "Long enough. You should answer the poor guy who's hands still caressing your face."

I leaned my head to his chest trying to hide my blush. I pulled back enough though for him to hear my answer.

   "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend."

He gave me one last tender kiss right in front of Min Hyo Rin. Not long, just a peck because he was happy. Even Min was giving us a smug smile.

    "So who's going to tell YoungBae?"

   "Tell me what?"

He missed the scene of Jin almost kissing me, but not him back hugging me and his head leaning on my shoulder.

    "So who is going to explain?" He said crossing his arms.

   "Hey appa, umm you see.."

Before I can finish,

    "Are you taking advantage of my girl Jin? She only just got back and vulnerable still!"

   "Sir, if I may-"

   "No, you may not! This is my little girl."

    "STOP! Appa, I'll always be your little girl. But I'm growing up. Jin and I have always kind of liked each other since we met on your wedding day. He's my best friend and someone I care a lot about. But you and my uncles will always be number one on my heart. Just like how we added Min to the family, can we add Jin?"

Min gave him a glare that contradicted her rubbing his arms.

   "Fine but just...go home, for now, Jin it's getting late."

Jin bowed before squeezing my arm gently with a smile. His smile was pretty contagious, always has been since we met.

    "So changing the subject or else I'll explode from how uncomfortable that was."

Things are starting to change for the better. I just need to finish my song and maybe things can go back to the way it used to be, just with me having a boyfriend.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the delay in my update. After Christmas, things got hectic with me and my family moving. So I wrote this chapter a little longer than others to make up for my lack of update(s). But I am sorry to say that my story will be ending soon. Just only 2 chapters left. Thank you for all the votes and views on my story and I'll hopefully be uploading my next chapter within sometime this week.

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