threats and invitations (7)

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kaycee was lying in bed, curled up in the blankets, trying to escape from the chill of the fall breeze. Her mind had been racing since Sean had dropped her off at home that morning. She had slept next to a boy... not even next to, she had slept tangled up with him! He had wrapped his arms around her, making her feel as though no harm could ever come to her, that there was nothing that could break his grasp. She smiled at the memory, missing the way he made her feel, the way his dimples showed when he smiled at her, they way his eyes shined when he sang, and they way he leaned closer to her while she spoke, as if he was hanging off of every last word. Kaycee leaned her head down, taking a deep breath of his smell, still present in the sweater he had given her, he smelled of sage and eucalyptus, something she had begun to realize was one of her favourite scents. It scared kaycee how much he occupied her mind, how much she already liked him, romantically or not, she wasn't sure, but she could tell she was starting to trust him. He was nothing like the rumours, he hadn't made a move on her, had always asked permission and made sure she was comfortable. With her, he was a perfect gentlemen. She just wasn't sure what those other girls had seen that he hadn't shown her yet. It made her slightly uneasy when she thought about it, that there was a small chance that he was playing her, a chance he didn't actually like her. Just as kaycee mind was starting to run rampant with 'what ifs' her phone rang, tahanis face popping up on her screen.

"hey T!" kaycee said, excited to hear from her best friend.

"hey kc! what are you dong right now?" she replied

"just at home, wanna come over?" no matter how many days she spent with tahani, she never got tired of seeing her.

"ill be there in 5!"

kaycee hung up the phone, getting out of bed and running a brush through her hair, leaving it down. The memories of Seans compliments making her blush. She picked up her phone, clicking on her messages pulling up the text Sean had sent her when he dropped her off this morning. 'hope you have a good day princess:)' She made her way downstairs, adding his number to her contacts, labeling it Shamu🐳. She smiled at the silly nickname and opened the door as it rang.

"KAYCEE" tahani greeted her, as she normally did, full of spunk.

"hi tahani." kaycee laughed at her friend, shutting the door as she entered the house.

The two girls made their way over to the couch, sitting facing each other when tahani noticed kaycees outfit.

"who's sweater is that? is it Devons?" noting how big it was on her.

"no, its.... its seans." kaycee said, lowering her gaze to the couch cushion.

"WHAT! WHEN WHERE HOW WHY KAYCEEEEE!!" tahani yelled, happy that her friend was reaching out but also frustrated that that person was Sean Lew.

"He invited me over after practice yesterday, and Kylie went out with some friends so I stayed over at his place last night." kaycee said, trying to sound non chalant, but excited on the inside to finally tell someone about what had been eating her up since that morning.

"ok wait a minute." tahani raised her hand to kaycee, stopping her. "youre telling me that you went to a boys house. not any boy, SEAN LEW. and you slept there too! Kaycee what did I tell you about him?! he's trouble! a player!" tahani was exasperated, trying to figure out why her friend would do such a thing.

"thats the thing T... we didn't do anything, he made me lunch, we got to know each other and we rehearsed for the musical, thats it. He was a perfect gentlemen." kaycee conveniently left out the part where they slept together on the couch, wanting to keep that for herself.

"thats how they get ya! trying to play all sweet and innocent but then SNAP! you're in his trap." kaycee knew that tahani just wanted to protect her but there was something about him that she couldn't describe.

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