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The loud music vibrated throughout my body and pounded into my head. It was getting later and later and I just wanted to go home now. Being seventeen, it wasn't the typical thought to have when at a club. The only reason it felt good to be there was because it was away from home, though.
Brianna and Katey were at the table while Aiea was getting drinks for all four of us. I was walking through the crowded place, back toward our table, until I unexpectedly locked eyes with a stranger; not an unordinary thing to happen at a place like this — but he was different. He was enthralling, beautiful. Beautiful people were very rare to come across nowadays and I knew when I did see them.
He ran a hand through his faded blonde hair and licked his bottom lip while walking closer in the same direction as me. His pale skin and blue eyes were mesmerising, but I sucked in a deep breath before telling myself to keep walking and look away. I looked down and took a few steps forward until two hands were on my hips, fingertips almost touching my rear. I gasped and looked up, hair falling out of my eyes as looked a little higher up at him.
Yes, he was, in fact, gorgeous and I couldn't look away from his eyes. They paralysed me. Though, the paralysis could have come from the touch to either side of my hips. He brought me closer to him, where my legs and his were practically moulded together. I gasped and the slightest fear took over my brain. Every instinct in me told me to run. My heart beat fast — faster than the upbeat music.
He leaned down to my ear. "You're dancing with me," he said in a whisper that only I could hear. The beautiful man had a leg in-between both of mine and started to move me somehow. I pushed away a little, still trying to be as polite as possible. There was no point in trying to upset him. Yet, somehow, he started to make his way until he was behind me now, his hands forcefully on my hips, making me grind down into him. He had his head lying on my shoulder breathing into my hair and onto my neck, right below the ear. I had to power through to push him and walk away. I was too weak, though.
"I'm Niall," he breathed out almost inaudibly. I shivered at his hot breath on my skin. "What's your name," he asked in a rich accent you couldn't dare fake if you tried.
"M-Monique...," I breathed quietly and nervous. I wanted to pull away from him, but his hands were too tight on my hips, making it pointless, impossible. Still I tried now that he knew my name and I knew his. He wouldn't get anything else out of tonight anyway. I wasn't in the mood.
He chuckled lowly, gently nudging his nose against the back of my neck and then letting his head fall to where I could feel his words land against my perspiring skin. "You trying to run away, baby?"
I wasn't sure if he was actually asking or not, so I mustered up enough courage to state out dumbly, "No," as he dug his fingernails into my jeans (and skin basically).
I let out a hitched breath of surprise and disbelief. He chuckled again before confidently saying, "I like the way you react around me." He said. "I mean, I merely touch your side, and you're so harmless and innocent." I swallowed, unsure of what to say when the statement was so utterly false. "Merely sides" my ass. "Anyone else would know I'm trying to seduce you right now, and it's working so well," he finished.
It was finally enough. My face was beginning to flush through my darker skin, and his dark laughter ripped me away. He thought he had control over me? But who came over to whom? "I really have to le-" I started, but he cut me off, kissing right where my jaw line started. My breath hitched, the confidence draining from my consciousness, as he used one of his hands to travel up, gently rubbing my higher waist. I nearly felt every bit of violation, and tried to pull away, but couldn't now that he had enough time to tighten his grip more so.
"Oh, don't lie," he said, "I don't like being lied to." Niall tutted as he continued to leave a trail of light kisses, "You don't have to go anywhere just yet, Monique." He almost harshly bit at my earlobe after, and I sucked in a sharp breath again as he went back to my jaw line. What is going on? I breathed a little faster and harder once I felt his hot breath was in the crook of my neck and shoulder; he sucked on the skin dangerously fast and hard. I gasped and fluttered my eyes, unsure of what to do. His tongue licked a smooth line while sucking and I let out an involuntary moan, my body giving into the sensation, my brain trying to pull away.
He stopped now and the part that wanted more tried to rip a small whine out from the pit of my throat, but I bit my lip as my mind wanted control as well. I brought up one of my hands as he pulled away for just a second, seeing if he left a mark on me, but luckily he hadn't. But, once again, he bit onto my skin cruelly and I let a loud moan escape from between my lips. If the music weren't so loud I'm pretty sure I would've been dead.
The pain was also pleasurable in a way I'd been familiar to, but never quite felt in the way he wanted and made me, before. I could feel him chuckling then sucking again, letting the vibration go through me slowly. I shivered and breathed hard as he did so, and I could feel my skin getting sore just as he pulled away, licking a few small zig-zagging stripes against the same spot softly.
"St-Stop," I tried, but he just chuckled at me. Once he finally pulled away, I shivered as the mark was now exposed completely. He brought one hand up and lightly pushed his index finger up onto the darker mark, causing me to wince and let out a startled gasp.
He laughed darkly into my hair and then rasped into my ear, "I was wondering," Niall began with a small breathy laugh he tried to contain, "are you a real brunette?" I could feel my face redden at the question. I wanted to slap him now. The pleasure rushed out, the pain was evident, the anger fluid.
"I need to go," I said weakly and tried pulling away. He brought me back into his embrace, one of his hands swiftly beginning to search for God knows what. When his hand traveled to my crotch, I realised that it was probably not a device he planned on retrieving, just another violation. He pushed roughly against my jeans as I tried to pull away. He kept me in position against him until finally getting to my front pocket. He was going to rob me. I was being violated and robbed. He did something I couldn't really see and then put it back. He put his hands onto my hips and pulled me hard against him again, which gained a moan from him, surprising me. I should've expected that he would enjoy me on him. I elbowed him, feeling I could get away if he was vulnerable now. But he only chuckled again. I groaned in aggravation, trying to pull away. He could take the damn money; I was done.
"I can tell we're going to have fun," he whispered into my skin. Finally turning me toward him again and making me accidentally, or probably purposely, fall onto him. He smirked down at me. "You still haven't answered my question." I yanked myself away, but Niall tutted at the action. "Monique, behave," he scrunched his nose in the slightest with a smirk before asking again, "Now, is this your real brown hair or not?" He had a wolfish grin on that made my anger rise all the more. And once his blue eyes glanced down to my crotch, I pushed him away and he allowed himself to be. I grimaced, disgusted with him.
"You pig," I muttered, though he probably couldn't hear me. He only smiled at me and both of us locked eyes, brown to blue. I turned immediately, until I felt a hand on my upper arm, gripping tight enough to where I knew I wouldn't escape the grasp.
"Fiery?" Niall was swiftly at my side again. "I like a little fight in 'em, though; don't worry, baby," he reassured in less than a breath against my hair, his lips on my ear. His hot breath made me shiver and I tried to push him away. Then, as if he hadn't even been in my space, he was gone. I turned and looked around. There was no sign of the blue eyed pervert anywhere.
I felt dazed; what had just happened? I had only been separated from my friends for about seven minutes and now I had a random stranger's mark on my neck. A violation, yet interesting sensation and-
My phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket. An unknown number, but I swallowed because who else could it be when the message simply said:
Don't try looking for me. I'll find YOU.
I couldn't breathe and looked around to see if I could spot him. Nowhere. Panic erupted into me; excitement also bubbled, though I was embarrassed to say that it felt almost like a dangerous adventure suddenly lit aflame in my life without warning. I tried shaking the thoughts away, speed-walking. I squeezed my eyes shut, yet I immediately heard that guttural moan he let slip out and shook my head, ridding myself of the sound.
God, he was damn fit if I were to be honest. I hated that. I hated that he was fit because he completely violated me, but it felt so satisfactory in that quick moment. Finally, I reached the mini booth with my friends. A shot glass was pushed my way and I picked the tiny glass up promptly. Aiea's breath hitched before I placed the rim of the glass to my lips, though. I twisted myself around, looking for Niall's presence expectantly. The liquid spilt from my drink and I cursed under my breath.
"M-Mon," Katey started with, her big, light brown eyes wide, "Wh-what...?"
"What happened to your neck?!" Brianna burst out with her hazel eyes and strawberry blonde hair gently falling over her ear. She pushed it back whilst staring intently at the mark upon my skin.
"Who gave you that?" Aiea asked more calmly than I would've presumed. She was the most protective of me out of the three. I pursed my lips and looked around, feeling the rush and the violation. And, God, was I glad I wasn't a man otherwise my pants would feel rather too tight against me at the moment being. God, he was really fit. I cursed myself for having such thoughts about such a pervert.
"I d-didn't know him. I just-he just did it," I spat out in a small voice. They all gave me mental and stunned looks. I realised I probably had the same expression and soon felt my knees wobble as two blue eyes locked onto mine. He smirked as he glanced quickly to my friends. They followed my stare and I felt like I was committing some sort of crime when I would not look away.
"Damn," Katey simply said. Damn right damn.
"Did you get his name?" Brianna squeaked.
"Niall," I breathed immediately. Katey was the first one to suck in a deep, noticeable breath.
"Niall? as in LeMore? As in Niall LeMore??" Katey's speech was getting faster with each syllable. We all looked at the enchanting, Irish boy and he winked at me. Aiea let a small breath leave her lips in surprise and I bit my lip harshly as I remembered the moan. It caused me to glance away for just a second, but in that instant, he was gone, away from my grasp once again.
"What're you going to do?" I realised Brianna was speaking to me and I raised my brows as I looked at her.
"What do you mean?" I asked slowly.
"Niall LeMore is bad news! Don't you know what he does to girls like us? God, like, you're so freaking lucky and dead at the same time!" She squeaked out in almost aggravation.
"He's so edible, but he is also, um, uh-" Katey chewed on her glossed lips and leant forward. I leant closer as well, "I heard he is violent. As in anger management needed pronto, as in possibly woman beater, as in no way, Mon, can you ever see him again!"
"Do you want to freak her out," Aiea snapped, placing a hand to my shoulder gently. She only did so for a split second before letting it slide back to her lap, "I know you're a smart girl, and I know him doing that wasn't your fault; just be careful if you do happen to see him around again, love."
"I won't be seeing Niall again," I said, loving the feel of his name slip from my tongue and hating how nervous I was suddenly. Katey and Brianna always overreacted like that.
"Babe, you're blind!" Katey squeaked out. "It's not like you let him leave that mark, but he did anyway, huh?" You had to know her really well to see she just seemed really worried for me, but even I was getting pissed the fuck off at her.
"Katey, shut up," Aiea growled.
"I'll figure something out," I said desperately.
"As long as he's not in any contact with you, it's okay," she said trying to calm Katey down as well as I. I couldn't just casually tell them he had my number as well now. They'd flip. That needed to be kept secret between me and that mysterious boy who left an ache in me so selfishly.
"Shit just turned," Brianna said looking around at us all nervously.
"No kidding," Katey muttered

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