She knew that all these memories weren't dreams. They were real. He was real.


Adrien glanced around at the couples that walked past him, smiling and laughing in joy with their lover.

He smiled softly, glancing up at the blue sky with his own memories flashing before his eyes, remembering the woman that he holds dear in his heart.

Adrien missed her dearly, his heart aching at not being able to see her again. But what could he do?

She would not come back no matter how hard he hoped. No matter how many nights he had stayed awake to hope that his beloved would be next to him, but would always be greeted with his empty bedroom the next day without her.

Adrien had his friends in this world. But no family. She was his family. Now that she was gone, his family was dead.

Adrien glances down at the necklace that softly rested against his clothes, just above his beating heart. A constant reminder of his love, of the one that would always love him. A piece of her that would always stay with him in his heart.

Adrien knew that all these memories weren't dreams. They were real. She was real.


Before she could take another step forward, a body had crashed into her. She didn't fall over, but the person had, falling onto their bottom in pain.

"Oh my god! Are you ok!? I'm so sorry!" She started to panic and turned around to see who had bumped into her.

"No no. It's my fault. I should've been more careful." He smiled at her warmly, chuckling and casually scratching his head.

She held her arm out and he grabbed it, lifting himself up.

"But you were the one to fall down. Are you sure you're ok?" She asked him and he nodded.

"I'm fine." He chuckled.


Before Adrien could take another step forward, a body had crashed into Him. She didn't fall over, but the Adrien had, falling onto their bottom in pain.

"Oh my god! Are you ok!? I'm so sorry!" She started to panic as she turned around to face Adrien.

"No no. It's my fault. I should've been more careful." Adrien smiled at her warmly, chuckling and casually scratching his head.

She held her arm out and Adrien grabbed it, lifting himself up.

"But you were the one to fall down. Are you sure you're ok?" She asked him and Adrien nodded.

"I'm fine." Adrien chuckled.


She stood before the boy with a shop that displayed televisions all playing the same channel just behind him. It was a cartoon that was playing and it seemed familiar.

Her eyes widened seeing the camera focus on a specific character facing the screen towards her, his eyes wide as well.

Her heart started racing frantically.

She clutched her necklace tightly, her not believing who she saw before her on the screen. He smiled at her softly, the same love shown in his eyes. The same love that was for her.

His eyes glazed over with tears and so did hers. She missed him. He was clutching the same necklace. The one he gave to her as a gift.

It was Adrien.

"I love you."

For the last time, they both spoke those three words to each other before the television screen went black.

She turned back to the boy that looked exactly like Adrien, a smile resting on his face as he introduced himself.


Adrien stood before the girl when a small portal had opened behind her. Adrien looked around to see if anyone else had noticed, but no one else did.

His eyes widened when he turned back to face the portal, focused on a specific person that was facing him, her eyes wide as well.

His heart started racing frantically.

Adrien clutched his necklace tightly, him not believing who he saw before him through the portal. She smiled at him softly, the same love shown in her eyes. The same love that was for him.

Her eyes glazed over with tears and so did Adriens. He missed her. She was clutching the same necklace. The one Adrien gave to her as a gift.

It was (Y/n).

"I love you."

For the last time, they both spoke those three words to each other before the portal had closed for good.

Adrien turned back to the girl that looked exactly like (y/n), a smile resting on her face as she introduced herself.


"The names (Y/n) / The names Adrien."


"I'm Adrien / I'm (Y/n)."


I love you Adrien.


I love you (Y/n).






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