Sequence 8: Lost And Alone

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You woke up in the infirmary, Nora sleeping on the bed next to you. You shift your muscle, waking her up. "Oh, thank Oum," she kissed you passionately, "I thought I lost you."
"I'm not going anywhere." you said in between kisses.
Five days later, you were clear to leave. As everything begins to return to normal, you notice that the Apple of Eden is missing. You also notice that Neptune is reluctant to even stay in the same room with you. You tail him to his girlfriend, Weiss' dorm, where you find something out. "My darling," he says, "Please, hear me out. You must join our cause. The Father of Understanding will guide us to victory over the assassin dog."
"No, Neptune," Weiss tells him, "I cannot-- WILL NOT join you. The Templars are against everything my family stands for!"
"If you are not my ally," you see the knife behind his back, "Then you are my ENEMY!"
He lunges at her, but before he stabs her, you rush in and stab him in the neck. Weiss gasps, but you merely say, "Get Ozpin. Beacon is compromised."
As she runs, you say to Neptune, "It takes one assassin to kill another, it seems."
"We kill thinking it's best for us, do we not, Y/N?" he asks weakly, "I do this for a cause greater than myself."
"So do I," you feel his head drop, "But I kill for the greater good of Vale. Rest in peace."
Glynda runs into the room with Weiss. "Where is Ozpin?" you ask.
"He was called to the courtyard," Glynda said, "By order of someone called... Cesare Borgia."

You froze. You looked out the window to see a wounded Ozpin trying to crawl away from Cesare. You don your robes and jump out the window. Climbing across Beacon's roof, you dash to him. Using your semblance, you observe, and watch as Cesare gloats. "I know you are there, Y/N!" he calls, "Hiding in the shadows like the coward you are! My father told me about you and your little group of achievements. He also told me about this!" he presented the Apple of Eden.
Neptune, I presume, you thought.
You reveal yourself and try to reason with him. "We've had too much bloodshed, Cesare!"
"Yes," he smiled, "So I think a cleansing is in order! Consider this a warning from my family..." he grabbed his sword, "To yours!"
Before you could stop him, he swung down and killed Ozpin, who looked at you with his dying eyes. You fell to your knees. "No..." you say.
Rage consumed you and you grabbed your sword. "NO!" you yelled.
You charged at him and you both collided swords violently. You were struggling, while this was clearly a cake-walk for him. Eventually, he tripped you, and laughed, "Such a failure."
You then saw him taking Nora, Blake, and Glynda away. Nora and Blake fought back, but were tased with electro-rods. Glynda tried screaming for help, but she was knocked out. "What have you done?" you ask.
"I have taken away everything and everyone important to you," he unsheathed his sword, "There is just one thing left to take: Your life!"
He dug his sword through your stomach and through the ground. He then snapped off the hilt and left. You tried to remove the blade, but you'd lost too much blood, and collapsed, exhausted and dying.

Broken Blades: Male Assassin Reader X RWBY Girlfriend NoraDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora