CHAPTER 21: Wake Me Up

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It's been a few days since I made my first kill and turned out to be Danny and another one if his guys.

Normally you would celebrate something as big as your first kill when becoming a wolf but, there was no joy in it. Especially after I saw the man I love, lying on the ground, losing so much blood from the claw marks one Lecters' men did to him on his side and his neck.

I haven't eaten or slept since that day, I can't. I feel as though I'd be selfish in doing those and then missing the chance to be here when Boulder wakes up.

He's been going in and out from the morphine the pack doctor had given him after he performed surgery to repair his skin.

As an alpha, you normally, would heal much faster than others but this one was so bad that it's gonna take a little longer.

I haven't even minded the pain I feel as his mate. Despite the excruciating part, nothing worse than seeing the one you love in pain and hurt while you just wait.

The doctor has been kind enough to give me something to help with the pain but the only downfall with that is it makes me sleepy.

"How you holdin' up?" Jai asks as he comes walking up to me as I continue sitting on the chair I put next to the bed.

"Okay." I reply.

"Sure." He says while not fully believing me.

"Don't start." I yawn before propping my head onto my hand.

"Come on, you need to eat something and you need to sleep." He begins.

"I'm fine. I'll eat and sleep when he wakes up." I reply exhausted.

"Ruby don't make me pick your ass up and drag you downstairs to eat." He says.

"Really, I'm okay." I try to reassure him.

"Okay. That's it." He says as I notice him bend down getting ready to pick me up until I pushed him back.

"Okay okay. Step back. I'll go downstairs and have something to eat then come back up here, deal?"

"Alright." He shrugs his shoulders.

I just roll my eyes and get up off the chair and bend over to place a kiss onto Boulders' lips before following Jai out.

He had ordered so much barbecue but I didn't complain and obviously couldn't resist as my wolf told me I needed to feed her. So I began grabbing a rib and a burger but then went quickly from wanting to build a small plate to almost two full plates. Though it has been days since I ate somethong more than a yogurt or granola bar.

Once I took my first bite, I couldn't stop stuffing my face and didn't even care if I wasn't being ladylike as I started devouring the plate of food and licking the bones clean along with the sides and not realizing I was stuffing my face until I began licking my fingers and wiping my fingers with sauce still on my face from the ribs.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." The guys said while chuckling before continuing to eat.

"Well thanks for the food. I'm gonna go and take a shower before I go back in there to Boulder." I tell them as I stand and take my dishes and put them in the dishwasher before heading upstairs and taking a shower.

I didn't however, expect to pass out on the bed next to Boulder. I guess with a full belly and a nice shower, anyone can fall asleep.

I can feel kisses gently being placed on the side of my face and my neck along with that amazing familiar scent. Wait a minute, oh my god, Boulder!

I sit up and look next to me as I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not dreaming.

"Good morning beautiful." Boulder sits up in bed with his arm draped over his leg while looking at me.

"Oh my god. You're awake. Or am I dreaming?" I asked.

"I'm awake and so are you." He chuckles amused again as he places his hand under my chin while leaning in to kiss me.

"But I wanted to be awake when you first woke up." I said with a pouted face.

"Aww baby. Come here. Let me show you how much I've missed you." He says as he kisses me and gently leans me back onto the bed and starts kissing me down my neck making both my wolf and I very pleased.

Fuck I love what this man does to me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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