Flapping the blanket in a hurry, she jumped to stand. As she realized that her longsword was in the place she had remembered it to be—inside the sheath hanging on her hips—she dashed towards the trickling bonfire, and immediately grabbed a flaming wood. With a torch to light up the way in her hand, she straightly ran towards the crater where her hometown was once existed.

That place was her first guess about his whereabouts.

Back in the coach, Zefrael had shown an obvious interest to the place. She had thought that it was his way of cruelty, but his conversation with Valnoire had told her the otherwise. There must've been some reason behind his sudden interest, an important one, perhaps.

The torch in her hand was illuminating the soil as she ran. The thick grass was brisking noisily within the silent night. The trees of Gileza Woods behind were rustling in vague sound as she left, but the girl paid them no mind.

Guided by the dim light of the torch, Alexia treaded the forested pathway with certain steps. The thought that she could faint again at the scenery of her hometown didn't even cross her mind, because there was only one thing which ruled every line of her thought right now.

That f*cking asshole shitlord!

Before long, the trees started diminishing in number. It was very dark, and she couldn't see much far ahead, but it was more enough to tell Alexia with a quite certainty that she had left Gileza Woods, and finally stepped into Mycaea's territory. At least, that was how she remembered it back in the past.

The land was sliding down right at the edge of the crater. Wild grown weeds stood tall at almost everywhere. They created some swaying shadows as they reflected the torch light. There was no clear pathway she could tread inside the wild, but she didn't stop to push herself forward.

Alexia ran across the expanse, wading around the tall and short weeds, up around the various sized slopes, and carefully moving at the side of the dark precipice. She kept running and keeping her vision spread across to everywhere her light could reach.

To tell the truth, her situation was complicated. The light did help her, but unbelievably, the darkness had helped her much more.

With the darkness, she couldn't see the crater as a whole, and it had prevented the awakening of the scary image within her head. She still had some important thing to do, and it was relieving that she didn't need to faint within fear in the process.

Yet, another problem remained.

She was here to look for someone, and looking for a person a dark night didn't seem like a good plan. Rather, it was a very foolish one.

Even so, Alexia couldn't stop. She couldn't give up if she had not yet to find the demon lord in question.

Danger could be lurking at every dark corner. Her ex-hometown, as she remembered it, had been infested with many demonic creatures, but the place was pretty deserted and silent. There was no sign of those vile creatures, or the traces of their existence. Valnoire was probably right, the demonic creature was no more.

Still, dangerous or not, Alexia knew that her energy was limited. True, she had just woken up, but if she kept looking for him blindly, soon she would be too exhausted even to stand. That was not how she wanted it to end. She absolutely had to save some energy for another time—especially AFTER she found the shitlord. She had sooo much complaint that she wanted to say straight to his face, and seriously, she wouldn't be able to do it if she was too tired.

To end the useless labor for her energy reverse, Alexia finally picked the easiest option. She opened her mouth, ready to call him out from the darkness, when something suddenly slipped below her boots.

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