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Ivores Orphanage. Alexia had left that place five years ago when she strived to become a Hero, but once, it was her home.

To be exact, the orphanage had been her home for a short three years. Before that, was Mycaea.

She was eight when 'The Split' happened right in the middle of her village hometown, Mycaea. The casualties were very enormous. A whole village, along with the people, was swallowed completely in the calamity. It formed a big crater infested with demonic creatures, right at place where the village once had existed.

Alexia—who luckily was outside the village at that time—had survived the calamity. She lived, but unfortunately, that tragic scenery etched hard inside her mind, and had ripped all of her senses and personality apart.

At that time, she was taken to the Ivores Orphanage, an establishment not far from the capital. It was a very nice place, the people living in the orphanage was warm. They were very kind as they patiently deal with her broken mind and finally helped her back into the world of the living. Her wounds were healed, but the scars still remained, and the pain kept acting up every time she recalled the tragedy of Mycaea.

It was the day where her life had broken down and turned upside down, but that day was also the beginning of her resolve.

The loss of everything she had held dear ignited hatred within her heart. Her hatred towards the Demon Lord, whom she learnt was the real cause of 'The Split', had driven Alexia to have her revenge. She swore to kill the demon lord with her own two hands, so that the blood which had shed at that day would finally be washed away by the blood of her enemy.

"Your face looks really stiff, Alex."

The voice of her enemy—who was peering her with a worried look—instantly slapped Alexia awake from her reminisce. By the time she realized, her hand was thumping with a dull pain because she had clenched her fingers too hard.

She hated the demon lord very much that she had swore revenge to him, but what the hell she was doing when her enemy was right in front of her eyes!? Rather than digging her blade into his flesh to kill him, she was actually doing the complete opposite.

"Haah..." Zefrael immediately let out a long weary sigh when he saw her hateful glare. While shaking his head a few times in disbelief, he muttered quietly, "do you hate picnic that much?"

Alexia promptly snapped, "Do you even need to ask!?"

She was beyond annoyed. Whether if she liked the picnic or not didn't even matter anymore. What had angered her more was the reason why she had to do this f*cking thing at the first place!!

Alexia really hated herself who was easily deceived to do stupid things like this, but she couldn't take back her words anymore.

She was too focused on the spectral being's willingness to explain things, and she had unconsciously agreed to the shitty idea Zefrael had blurted as the means of the explanation.

And that was the reason they were here.

Over a mat set on the dry rocky ground of Salen Gulf, she, together with three others—Zefrael, Ennario, and the mysterious spectral being—were sitting together forming a circle, around a mountain of potato chips bag which had been summoned out from thin air by the whimsical demon lord.

Honestly, Alexia had hoped that she switched place with Breanna.

The goth-loli girl, as weird as she is, was actually smart to reject Zefrael's party member offer immediately (it was nothing but bad experience, in Alexia's opinion). She had said that she wanted to save her village and the people she knew rather than facing evil from legends.

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