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For the hundredth time already, Alexia hoped she'd better be deaf rather than hearing Zefrael's nonsense. But she had no other choice, as her hearing was still as perfect as ever.

"What the hell are you saying now?" She asked suspiciously.

"I told you, I think it would be him," the demon lord whispered quietly while taking a glance to the young man who walked a few steps in front of them.

"Huh? The town mayor's son??" Alexia confusedly raised her eyebrows to Zefrael who grinned with excitement at her side. "What are you implying, shitlord?" She added in a whisper—so that no one would hear her mentioning the shitlord phrase—before she shifted her confused gaze towards the mayor's son.

He was a young man in his twenties with spiky dark purple hair and blazing green eyes. The left side of his head was shaved with lightning motif and he was wearing a tight leather suit which pressed on his lean body. A crossbow was dangling on his back, indicated his role as an archer.

Alexia already heard his name back there. It's Merion.

"See? Do you realize the flag yet?"

Zefrael whispered again to her ears and Alexia immediately jolted in surprise. His breath which brushed her earlobe had startled her beyond any words and knocked an incoherent beat to her heart.

She hurriedly stayed away from the shitty demon lord, covering her ears and staring at him dejectedly. "The hell are you doing!?" she screamed in low voice, unconsciously followed his whispering.

"Shh! We wouldn't want him to hear this," warned Zefrael.

Alexia promptly stared him with dry look. "I'm lost. Are we talking about a secret here?"

"Well, not really..." Zefrael seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, before he turned back to the girl, "but I think, he better not hear this."

"Ha..." Alexia didn't know what to say anymore. Whether if she liked it or not, this weird and incomprehensible demon lord was her companion, even so, she realized that it was impossible for her to stay at the same wavelength with him. Now, and probably, forever.

In any case, the town with a bell tower in the horizon was a small but lively town. At her first journey to reach Zefrael's castle, she didn't even stop in this town even for a second, nor had she planned to. For her, it was only a distraction for her mission to kill the demon lord. That's why she'd gone straight to the demon lord castle from the capital.

Not even in her dream, she thought that this kind of development where she would go to town and town to offer her help would ever happen in her life.

Too coincidental with Zefrael's opinion that a hero should willingly help people in need, that small but lively town was in dire need of a help from a hero.

Considering that she was the Chosen Hero, 'offering help' was supposed to be her duty, but it was too bothersome for Alexia. To be honest, she rather skipped the hassle and resumed the journey around the world, but then, it would cross the purpose of this second journey offered by the shitty demon lord.

It was, after all, a journey for finding party members.

It sounded stupid, but she realized that Zefrael's theory was right. If she had party members, the chance for her to kill him would increase. So, she finally braced herself to accept this ridiculously shitty plan of his, one step at a time.

This time, in the town with a bell tower, the quest was slaying a dreadful dragon.

One day, an evil dragon suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It had destroyed the town marketplace into rubble, and causing a few casualties within the townsfolk.

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