Chapter Fifteen

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The school day was almost done. Chad and Jane had their last class together. They laughed together as they walked through the halls. Though the two were on two opposite sides of Auradon Prep's popularity scale, they were super close. Their parents were Cinderella and Fairy Godmother respectively after all. Growing up, they've always been close. The same went for Jay and Mal.

"I almost forgot that cheer tryouts were after school today," Jane said. "I'm not prepared at all."

"You'll do fine," Chad said. "I saw you practicing the other day. Seemed pretty prepared to me."

"It's not the actual tryout I'm worried about."

"Then what?"



"You've heard about the things she said to Mal, didn't you?" Jane asked.

"Of course I have," Chad replied. "The whole school knows what happened. I feel bad for Mal."

"Yeah, well, guess who's the younger sister of Mal and the roommate of Audrey," Jane said.

"Oooh, that's definitely a sticky situation," Chad said.

"Yeah, yesterday wasn't fun."

"What happened?"


For, probably, the first time in her life, Jane felt furious. Most people at Auradon Prep just viewed Jane as the quiet girl who's nice to practically everyone, no matter what. Though this was pretty much true, Jane was about to prove them wrong.

Jane had been able to tolerate Audrey. Audrey never really got on her nerves. That was until when the Auradon kids learned about their parents' stories. Audrey was never close with Mal, but after that, she began started being a little cruel to the villain kids, especially Mal.

Jane approached her dorm room. She clenched the the door knob. One could see how fast her knuckles turned white because of how hard she was squeezing the doorknob.

Jane bursted into her dorm. "What were you thinking!" Jane yelled. Her roommate was none-other than Audrey.

"What do you mean?" Audrey asked, nonchalantly.

"You know what you did!" Jane yelled.

Audrey was confused at first, but after looking at Jane's angered eyes, she finally knew why Jane had confronted her the way she did. "Oh, that?" Audrey said with an annoyed tone.

"How could you do that to my sister!"

"She knew what she did."

"But she didn't do anything!" Jane yelled.

"But her mother brought horrible pain to my family!" Audrey said.

"Yes! Her mother! Mal had nothing to do with anything Maleficent did! What makes you think you can just say those things to her!"

"How do you feel about Anthony then?"

Anthony's grandmother had tried to steal Fairy Godmother's wand many years ago. "Anthony and I have a pretty much fine relationship. I don't think I think of him any less. I definitely don't hate him. It's not his fault Lady Tremaine did the things she did."

"I bet you Chad has a different opinion," Audrey said.

Present Time

"Anthony and I are great friends," Chad said.

"That's what I said!" Jane said.

Flashback Continued

"What do you have against the villain kids?" Jane asked. "Yeah, they were born from the most evilest people in the land, but that means nothing! They were all raised by good people! Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Harry, Gil, Anthony, all of them! They were raised by the good people of Auradon!"

"Maybe they're just rubbing off on all of you! You're just too blind to see that!"

"Excuse me? Mal was only three years old when she came to Auradon! She hardly remembers anything from the Isle!"

Audrey sighed. "Why are you defending her?" she asked. "She's not your real sister."

Jane took a long sigh. "I'm done here, Audrey. I don't know what else to say to make you see the truth. You are so closed-minded. One day, you're going to see the truth, and it's gonna come to you like an avalanche. Because unlike the rest of Auradon, you can't see past your own ego and to see that things are not what they seem. I've seen firsthand the effect the Isle has had on all of them, and I can promise you that it's nothing like you imagine." Jane started heading towards the door. "And by the way, yes, Mal may not be my sister by blood, but my mother was able to raise her as if she was her own, and I love her as if we were both born from her."

End Flashback

"Wow," Chad said. "That's some pretty deep stuff."

"I was just sick and tired of Audrey's attitude. She has no right to be like that towards the villain kids," Jane said. "Especially my sister."

"Well, you can't blame her entirely," Chad said. Jane looked at her cousin with a confused look. "It's not necessarily Audrey's fault that she has such a closed mind. If anything, it's Aurora and Phillip's fault," Chad said. "Back when they were deciding to bring the VKs over here, my parents were against it. However, when Belle and Beast mentioned that my mother's step sisters had children as well being raised by her step mother, my parents realized that the Isle was no place for children. When we went to Beast's Castle to see the children, I saw Jay, and I started playing with him. My parents saw me and knew that Jay was perfect to be my brother."

Jane giggled. "That's almost similar to why we chose Mal. Because I was about a year old, I crawled to Mal. Mal smiled at me, and my mom knew," Jane said, reminiscing about the time she saw her sister.

"I wonder if it was like that for the other kids?"

"From what Doug told me," Jane began, "Carlos crawled up to him, and we all know how skiddish Doug was as a toddler."

Chad laughed. "Yeah."

Suddenly, they heard loud noises from down the hall. Was the noise...yelling? Jane looked up at Chad. "What's going on?"

"Let's go," he said, tapping Jane's shoulder as he ran towards the yelling. Jane followed closely behind. When they approached, they were surprised to see that a fight had broken out. It shocked Chad even more to see Jay in the middle of it. He couldn't see his brother being beat up like that. Chad fumed. "Hey!" he yelled. The entire hallway became quiet. "Get to class!" he yelled. The crowd quickly shuffled their way out of the young prince's way.

Chad was able to finally see Jay clearly. The guys who were beating Jay up laughed as they left the scene. "Look who needs big brother to come and save him," one said as he laughed.

Chad ignored it as he approached Jay to help them out. "Why were you in a fight?" Chad asked.

"They started it," Jay replied.

"Did they?" Chad asked. Jay nodded. "Who threw the first punch."

"I did," Jay said.

"Why, Jay?" Jane had asked.

"I'm just sick and tired of all the Auradon kids saying things about the villain kids," Jay said.

"I thought you said what everyone was saying didn't bother you," Chad said. "That's what you told mom and dad."

"I'm not worried about people saying stuff about me," Jay said. "I don't like it when they pick on other villain kids," Jay said, motioning to the figure sitting on the floor.

When Jane and Chad looked to where Jay was pointing, they saw fourteen-year-old CJ. CJ Hook as the villain kids had learned. The blonde girl was terrified and had tears running down her face.

"Come on, CJ," Jane said, helping the scared girl to her feet. "Let's go find Lonnie or Harry."

It was today that everyone knew that nothing would ever be the same as it was before.

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