Chapter Fourteen

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Carlos and Doug were walking the halls of the school together. Things at home have become a little quiet since Carlos found out who his biological mother was. Dopey and their mother always made sure to take things easy with Carlos. Doug, even though he was very insecure himself, kept an eye on Carlos just in case some stuck up Auradonian kid decided to pick on him.

"You okay Car?" Doug asked. "You seem a little down."

"I'm fine," Carlos said. "It's know..."

"I get it," Doug replied. "Must be a lot to take in, huh?"

"You have no idea," Carlos said with a chuckle.

"No one's said anything, right?"

"People have said some things, but none of them have been as bad as what others are getting," Carlos said.

"What's happening with other Isle kids?" Doug asked.

"I'm sure you heard about Audrey blowing up at Mal."

"Yeah, I heard."

"Then there's Evie-"

"Wait, Evie?" Doug asked in shock. "What are people doing to Evie?" Carlos stopped Doug from walking and pulled him to the side so they weren't seen. "What are we doing."

Carlos nodded his head forward. They got a perfect shot of Evie's locker. Evie walked up to her locker. However, there was an apple in her locker. Evie picked it up and on it, it read "VILLAIN". Evie threw the apple back into her locker and slammed the door. Evie leaned her back against the locker as she put her head in her hands. She took one big breath before making her way to her next class.

Carlos and Doug came out of their hiding spot once they saw that Evie was out of sight. "So all of you guys are getting picked on?"

"Pretty much," Carlos said. Doug sighed. "Is everything okay with you?" Carlos asked.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Doug asked. "I'm an Auradon kid."

"Just because you were born here doesn't mean you can't have problems too," Carlos said, catching up with his older brother. "Come on, you can tell me." Doug was still silent. "Is it about Evie?" Doug looked at Carlos. Carlos was one of Evie's best friends, and they both cared for the blue-haired girl very much.

"It's just," Doug began, "ever since you guys learned about your parents, Evie's been pretty distant from me. I don't know why, but she won't talk to me in chemistry anymore. I understand that learning about her mother must've been a lot for her, but I want to be there to comfort her like everyone else."

"What does she look like when you try to talk to her?" Carlos asked.

"Whenever I speak to her, it's almost like she's scared of me," Doug explained. "She's never looked at me like that before. I feel bad for her every single time I see her like that. I just want to be there for her."

"I think I know what's going on," Carlos said.


"Well, your...I mean...our father was an enemy of the Evil Queen," Carlos explained. "I mean, you know how Mal felt bad about what her mother did to Audrey's family? What if Evie feels the same way. She's probably scared you hate her."

"Hate her? I don't hate her! I like her!" Doug said before throwing his hand over his mouth.

"What did you say?" Carlos asked.

"W-What I mean to s-say is-"

"Don't even try," Carlos said with a chuckle. "I can tell you like like Evie."

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