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"There was a guy,
his smile lit up the room,
his voice made me feel safe and reassured,
his laugh was filled with joy and passion,
his eyes were hazel and filled with love,
he made me feel sad but happy at the same time,
he was like an angel that quietly watched over me,
he cared about me and wanted me to be happy,
he would work hard on everything,
he would do everything, just for me,
he would be out working late nights and days, just for me,

but I blamed him,
I blamed him for never being there when I needed him,
I blamed him because he wasn't like others,

......And now he's gone"

"Did you love him?" They ask.

I look up at the sky, looking at the stars that shine so bright, reminds me of him,
it reminds me of how he lit up my world,
but I never realized it,
until he was gone...

"Yes I loved him"....
"I love you so much dad.."

Love Quotes IIIWhere stories live. Discover now