I Remember Years Ago

Start from the beginning

You took a bite of your croissant, eyes flicking over the pages strewn about on the table. "I thought you hadn't started it yet?"

"Er, not officially, no," Newt said, scratching the back of his neck. "These are just writings I've done on my travels. They aren't connected or anything."

You picked up a piece of parchment, cluttered with drawings of a frog-like beast and scribbled notes in deep black ink, with the only neat paragraph boxed off in a small corner of the paper. "It's very... busy."

Newt dipped his head, concealing an embarrassed blush. "Yes, er, sometimes when you're traveling, you don't have as much time to sit down and write."

You placed the parchment back down on the table and smiled knowingly. "Don't worry about it, I know exactly what you're talking about. It's very difficult to be a writer and be neat at the same time." You heard the tinkle of a small bell and resisted the urge to scream when you looked up.

"Excuse me," you breathed, scrambling up from the table and hurrying over to the counter.

"What are you doing here?!" You hissed.

Leta winked at you from across the bar, clad in a white waitress' outfit. "I'm undercover!"

"You are going to leave-" you pushed her towards the back room, glancing at Newt to make sure he didn't notice. "-right- now!"

Leta raised her hands in defense. "Relax. He won't notice. He's too absorbed in... other things."

Your face reddened, your hands clenching into fists at your side. "Just- ugh, just don't do anything weird." You stomped back to the table.

"I think if I copy these paragraphs down onto a separate pages it would be easier for me to write... (Y/N), what do you think?" Newt asked, looking up from the jumble of papers hopefully. "(Y/N)?"

You sat back down, trying to smooth out your annoyance. "Yeah, sounds great."

Newt frowned. "(Y/N), are you alright?"

You smiled briefly at Newt, smothering the blush that rose to your cheeks at his concerned gaze. "Yes, I'm fine, just a little distracted."

Newt smiled back. "Me, too."

Oh Lordy.

"Some coffee for the lovely couple?" A voice asked in an obviously fake French accent.

Oh fu-

"Yes, please, that would be wonderful," Newt looked up at the waitress, then frowned. "Wait... Leta, is that you?"

Leta's eyes darted to you briefly, panic flickering over her face before she raised a menu to cover the bottom half of her face. She giggled, a thinly veiled attempt at hiding her identity. "No... no! I don't know any Leta here."

Newt frowned. "Leta, I know that's you."

Leta dropped the menu with a sigh. "Alright, you got me."

"Well, you weren't exactly disguised. What's going on here?"

Your face turned beet red, and you balled your pants in your fists, trying to control your seemingly uncontrollable embarrassment. How could Leta do this to you?! You stood up, throwing your chair to the side. "I cannot believe you!" You hissed. "Newt, I'm so sorry. I didn't have anything to do with this."

Newt looked from you to Leta, confusion written on his face. "What- I don't understand-"

"I'm leaving," you muttered, grabbing your bag and your hat. "Thank you for lunch."

You rushed out of the restaurant, trying to ignore the swirling rage and humiliation festering in your belly. How could she do that, especially when she knew you liked him-

"(Y/N), wait!" A voice called. You stopped.

"Newt, I'm so sorry, I didn't have any idea that would happen." You turned, lowering your gaze. "You'd think being a Ravenclaw would make me a little bit smarter."

"It's alright. Leta told me you didn't have anything to do with it."

You sighed, laughing slightly. "It's so stupid."

Newt smiled. "You have to admit it's kind of funny."

You looked up at Newt, his crooked smile melting away your mortification bit by bit. "Maybe. Just maybe."

Newt's smile faded briefly, a look of concern flickering in his eyes. "You aren't... too mad, are you? I really am grateful to you helping me, I-I definitely think I'm making some progress."

You grinned. "No. I'm not that mad. Not anymore, at least. I mean, even if it was incredibly annoying... well, it brought us together, didn't it?"

Newt looked away, but there was a smile on his face and a happiness in his eyes that twinkled from under his hair that made you realize the warmth and calm in your chest whenever you looked at him wasn't coincidental.

"I love you," you whispered.

Newt's head snapped up. "What did you say?"

His shock hit you in the face like a brick. What were you doing?

"Oh- I'm sorry-"

"SHE LOVES YOU, YOU IDIOT!" Someone shouted. Leta stood leaning against the the door to the cafe, a great beaming satisfied smile plastered onto her face.

Newt whipped around, flushed and excited. "Y-you love me? Is that true?"

You took a hesitant step back. This was definitely not how you wanted the morning to go. But what could you do besides tell the truth?

"Yes," You breathed. Relief pulsed through you, the truth washing over you like a blanket of calm. You didn't have to pretend you didn't love him anymore. You'd been so blind; you'd loved him the whole time. Even if Leta had been incredibly annoying about it, you had to admit she had been the one to help you realize it.

Newt laughed, a short, happy laugh that filled you with a tingly warm feeling. He stepped forward and took your hand.

"What? What's so funny?" You asked, feeling embarrassment rise up in you again.

"No, it's nothing... I'm just surprised, that's all. I never would have guessed that you felt that way about me." Newt smiled.

You blushed, shifting from foot to foot. "I-it took me a while to realize it- too long- but yeah. I do."

Newt cupped your face in his hands, forcing you to meet his eyes. They were full and bright, sparkling with adoration and electric warmth. "(Y/N)," he said. "I love you too."

And he kissed you. His hand slid to the crook of your neck, the other still on your cheek, his touch sending electric tingles through your skin and down your spine. It was a kiss that made you want to melt, a kiss that made you never want to kiss anyone else.

"Woo! Get it on!"

"Shut up!"


euhhhdhfhfhhhgggg this is not super goooood I'm so sorry I feel so bad ew

also I have like a million requests rn and three other chapters that I wanted to work on so I will be updating soon but it'll definitely be slow

ok byee


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