A Fateful Fall

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(A/N): Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I'm pretty happy with it! I know it took a bit to put out, but the holidays were super busy for me, not to mention moving back from college and now packing to return. But anyways, I've been working on this bit by bit all the while. Hope it's worth the wait! Best wishes! ^_^

(Y/N) often found herself loosing track of time whilst meditating and it seemed Hanzo had the very same problem, she realized as her eyes opened to find only the moon illuminating the sky.

Glancing over, she found Hanzo as stoic as ever; she was just about to speak when-

"(Y/N)-sama!!" Daiki's voice came from behind, his shoes clanking loudly across the planks of the dock as he ran towards them. It instantly made her nervous, given the narrow nature of the dock and the dark night surrounding them.

"Daiki-chan! Be caref-," a gasp cut her off as Daiki tripped, tumbling forward.

Both (Y/N) and Hanzo were on their feet immediately, but neither could reach the boy in time. Daiki plummeted into the water, hitting his head harshly on the dock. Dread instantly filled (Y/N)'s heart, but before she could even react herself, Hanzo dove into the water with a resounding splash.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, quickly sending Hīrā along with them to illuminate the water. Her heart beat madly as she paced on the dock.

The seconds felt like hours as she anxiously waited. Hanzo soon surfaced with Daiki, lifting him up into (Y/N)'s arms. (Y/N) held her dearest cousin tightly, as if he may somehow slip through her fingers like sand. Daiki was unconscious, a nasty gash on his forehead. In a flash of cold horror, she realized he wasn't breathing.

(Y/N) rushed off the dock, placing Daiki down gently on a soft patch of grass and checking his pulse. Her heart was racing madly, a stark contrast to nearly nonexistent beating of Daiki's. But however weak it was, it was there. She wasted no time calling Hīrā to her aid, the golden dragon hopping upon his chest and soon enveloping him in a healing glow.

"Ryū ga kowareta mono o fukugen suru," she repeatedly cited the incantation long passed down through generations of healers. (Y/N) held tightly to Daiki's hand, focusing Hīrā's magic on pulling the water from his lungs.

In that moment, all that existed was her and Daiki. She would not loose him. She would loose anyone else. The world was silent around them, only her voice repeating the incantation breaking it; until, suddenly, Daiki's head jerked forward in a harsh cough, his body rejecting the water. She carefully turned his head to the side in an attempt to help.

Her attention now turned to the head wound, focusing Hīrā's light upon it.

"(Y/N)...-sama...?" A weak, cracked voice came from Daiki as his eyes fluttered half-way open.

"Sshhh," she instructed him quietly, squeezing his hand reassuringly, "save your energy, Daiki-San."

As the wound slowly began mend, reality soon flooded back to (Y/N)'s mind. Daiki would be alright; it was going to be okay. She felt Hanzo's presence looming next to her, glancing over to him. He hadn't hesitated even slightly to jump in after the boy he hardly knew. He certainly wasn't as cold as he seemed and (Y/N) discovered a newfound respect for the eldest Shimada quickly growing.

He met her gaze and (Y/N) responded with a grateful smile,"I do not know how I can thank you enough for that." She offered him a small, courteous bow and looked away, "I'm not sure I would have gotten to him in time..."

"It was...-there is no thanks necessary," Hanzo responded after a bit of deliberation. "Is the boy going to be alright?"

(Y/N) nodded, "he'll need several days of rest, but yes. Daiki-san will be perfectly fine."

Hanzo nodded his acknowledgement, still apparently a man of few words.

Daiki soon slipped back into unconsciousness, but his pulse and breathing were steady. (Y/N) went to pick him up, but Hanzo was quick to step in, "I will carry him," he insisted.

(Y/N) was just about to protest, but it had been some time since she had utilized Hīrā's powers to that extent. The closer to death a person is, the more it seemed to drain her. "-...hai," she nodded,"...arigato, Hanzo-san."

She stood aside as Hanzo lifted Daiki, his movements surprisingly gentle. If (Y/N) was not mistaken, she saw a spark of emotion in the stark Shimada's eyes. Perhaps the boy reminded him of a young Genji?

(Y/N) walked slightly behind, silently observing Hanzo. He was soaking wet; his long, dark hair dripping water onto the ground as they walked. And, quite despite herself, it was hard to ignore the way his wet shirt stuck to his skin, slightly revealing the muscular structure of his arms and chest. She quickly caught herself, scolding herself harshly as a light blush rose to her cheeks.

From then on, (Y/N) kept her eyes glued to the ground, leading Hanzo to the healer's residence. Upon entering, the three were swarmed by concerned healers, who quickly took Daiki from Hanzo and rushed him to a bed. (Y/N) explained the situation, slipping away to find Hanzo a towel as they looked Daiki over.

After evaluating that the boy was stable, the healers left just as (Y/N) returned. She found Hanzo sitting nearby Daiki, her eyes softening as she approached.

He seemed to be brooding, which is likely why he didn't notice her at first. (Y/N) gently placed the towel around Hanzo's shoulders, receiving a surprised, upward glance from the Shimada.

"...arigato," he thanked her as she sat beside him.

"It's the least I can do," (Y/N) replied as she reached forward to tuck a piece of Daiki's dampened hair behind his ear. She smiled affectionately, noting the lime-green tone of it, "...-as much as I hate to admit it, the green suits his vibrant personality."

Hanzo nodded, looking away.

"It suits Genji as well," she added as she leaned back, resting on the nearby wall.

She received a slight sigh from Hanzo in response. Perhaps now was not the time to push her luck; she was much too exhausted.

They sat in silence for quite some time, as per their custom. Gradually, (Y/N)'s eyes began to droop against her will and, without fully realizing it, she quickly succumbed to sleep.


Hanzo wasn't exactly sure what prompted him to do so, but he found himself carrying a sleeping (Y/N) to her home. He tried to ignore the way her head delicately leaned against his chest made his heart race. In fact, he tried not too look down at all.

He tried. But, in her slumber, (Y/N)'s hands had lightly gripped at his shirt, causing him to glance down in surprise. And when he did, his eyes noted how her (H/C) hair blew in the soft night wind, causing it to slightly hide the peaceful expression upon her face. He got so lost in it, he didn't realize as his mischievous brother approached.

"Soooo are you two a thing or something?"

Genji's voice instantly broke his trance and he turned a harsh glare towards his brother (secretly mortified at being caught). "Do not be ridiculous, Genji," Hanzo responded sharply, though his words were noticeably hushed. The only thing that could make this worse was (Y/N) waking up.

Genji laughed, "c'mon, bro. I wouldn't blame you. She's hot. And smart. And badass. What's not to love?"

"Do not be so crude, Genji."

"Ahhhh but you didn't deny it!!" Genji taunted.

"If you wake her, you are dead," Hanzo deadpanned, prompting a laugh from Genji.

"Yeah, alright. Fair enough," the green-haired Shimada shrugged and started to walk off...but he turned, a sudden seriousness in his expression, "I think she'd be good for you, bro."

Hanzo didn't respond, but his brother's words sank in regardless. What could possibly make Genji think that? They barely know (Y/N). The eldest Shimada sighed, walking on.

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