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"Daddy!" Seo-yun and Jung-woo yelled in unison. Y/N quickly looked up from his phone to see his two kids pouting. Y/N pouted back jokingly. "What's up kiddos?" Seo-yun sighed, "Daddy!! Uncle Josh promised to take us to the cat cafe!" Y/N smiled, "ok sweetheart. I'll call him."

Y/N quickly dialed the males number. "Josh?"

"Oh Y/N? What's up hot stuff?"

Y/N sighed. "The kids just informed me you promised to take them to the cat cafe today?"

A gasp came from Joshua. "Shit! Ok ok. I'll be there in 10."

Y/N felt confused. "Wait what? Where are you?"

"Friends house, why?"

"Wait what?! No don't come! I'll take them! You're having fun."

Y/N come hear Josh getting his stuff together in the background. "Nope. I promised those two kids and I'm a man of my word. Cya in 10."

Y/N heard a beep from his phone. "Hello? Hello?" Y/N looked at his phone.

That guy really hung up on me.

"Well, Dad?" Jung-woo asked. Y/N smiled. "Josh said he'd be here in 10 minutes." Seo-yun and Jung-woo jumped with joy and hugged each other. Y/N smiled. Good thing Josh didn't ditch.


"Doorbell!" Seo-yun and Jung-woo yelled in unison, running towards the door. Y/N got off the couch and walked towards the door. "Uncle Joshie!!!" Seo-yun yelled, hugging Josh. Jung-woo stood on the side. Y/N walked up to Jung-woo. "What's wrong buddy? Why aren't you hugging Joshie?"

Jung-woo looked up at Y/N. "My teacher told me boys shouldn't hug other boys because God doesn't like it." Y/N started to get mad. "Well tell--" Y/N stopped his sentence when Jung-woo was suddenly swept into the air. Y/N looked up to see Jung-woo being held by Josh. "Jung-woo. God will love you no matter what, ok?" Jung-woo nodded and then hugged Josh. Y/N stood up straight. "So... Cat cafe?" Josh asked. Seo-yun and Jung-woo both exclaimed 'yes' in unison. Y/N chuckled. "Ready Y/N?" Josh asked. Y/N nodded, "let me go get a sweatshirt." Josh grabbed Y/N's wrist before he could go to his room. "Yes Joshua?" Josh rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. "You left one of your gray sweaters at my house, so I have it in my car." Jung-woo and Seo-yun made eye contact. Y/N noticed Seo-yun wiggle her eyebrows. Y/N looked at Joshua and smiled. "Cool. Let's go!"

♡Time Skippity Skip♡

"We're here!" Seo-yun yelled, already unbuckling from her seat. Jung-woo also unbuckled, just didn't make a fuss. Y/N smiled at his daughter's behavior. Once out of the car, Y/N saw a familiar vehicle. Y/N looked over at Josh. Josh tilted his head in confusion. Y/N shook his head as an answer. The group of four went inside.

Once they got to the cash register, Josh immediately got out his wallet. "Daddy?" Jung-woo suddenly spoke up. Y/N looked down to see the boy staring to the side. Y/N looked in the same direction as Jung-woo, only to make eye contact with someone he wish he didn't. Seo-yun must have seen where her Dad was looking, because she suddenly looked in the same direction. "Daddy Seo-jun!" Seo-yun exclaimed. This, unfortunately, caught Josh's attention causing him to also look in that direction. Seo-jun smirked and walk over to where the group was.

"Y/N-ah. Been awhile." Y/N's eyes widened st Seo-jun's words. Although he didn't want to believe it, Y/N still had lingering feelings for the male that was now in front of him. "Oh! You're the famous Seo-jun! Lee Mina talks about you all the time," Josh suddenly spoke up. Seo-jun changed his course of vision to look at Joshua. Seo-jun scoffed. "Not good things I suppose." Josh smirked. "Not at all." Seo-jun nodded. He then crouched down to be low enough to make eye contact with the kids. "Hey guys! How's it been?" Jung-woo's face lit up once Seo-jun started talking. "Oh Junnie it's been awesome! Daddy and Joshie brought us to the amusement park last weekend and now we're here!" Seo-jun smiled, "is that so?" Jung-woo nodded enthusiastically. "And! Uncle Joshie promised to buy us Christmas presents!" Seo-yun jumped in the conversation. Seo-jun pouted. "But didn't you promise Junnie that we'd spend Christmas together?" Y/N's eyes widened. "What?!" Seo-jun looked up at Y/N and then back at the kids. Seo-yun turned around to face Y/N. "That's right Daddy! Me and Woo Oppa promised Junnie we'd do Christmas at his big apartment!" Y/N looked from Seo-yun, to Jung-woo, to Seo-jun. Seo-jun had a face of both triumph and sympathy.

"W-Well if you promised... We'll spend Christmas with J-Junnie." Y/N spoke, also now crouching down by his kids. Jung-woo and Seo-yun smiled. "Joshie! You come too!" Seo-yun suddenly exclaimed, now in front of Josh. Josh's eyes widened as he looked at Y/N. Y/N sighed and put his face is his hands. Josh shook his head. "Sorry Yun Bug. I'll come Christmas Eve, ok?" Seo-yun and Jung-woo both nodded. Seo-yun and Jung-woo both ran off to play with the cats, after Seo-jun convinced them. Y/N made eye contact with Seo-jun once again.

Y/N suddenly felt all of his past feelings for the tattooed male surface once again.

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