Chapter 3

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"'Morning Alice," Xaivier chimes. He smiles and hands me a handfull of wildberries.

"Good Morning Xaivier. Thanks," I pop a few of the little berries into my mouth. The juices of them are so tender and sweet, they remind me of Jason's kisses. I smile warmly and roll a few of the berries around in my cold hands.

Jason walks in and kisses me tenderly "Good morning babe." I just shoot him back a heart melting smile. "Alice why dont you go pick some berries while we try to start a small fire."

I nod my head and walk out of the cave and into the bushes. I come across a bush with berries that I am not familiar with. I pick a couple of the red berries and trudge through the snow back to our camp. As I was about to call for Xaivier I heard them talking. I crouch behind a tree and listen to them.

"All I'm saying is I think she might be getting in the way."

"Dude, she's my girlfriend! You gotta just let it go. Besides it was YOUR idea to change her."

"Well I meant if Victoria didn't know!"

"Accidents happen X. Get used to it. It's part of life!"

I stepped on a twig and it let out a loud snapping noise. "Crap..." Jason comes walking over and moves the branches that I was usingto hide myself. He looks down at me and frowns.

I stand up and brush twigs off my skinny jeans. "Alice..." He takes me by the hand and leads me to the cave. "Baby... Xaivier was just... he thinks your sorta hold us- back..." I nod my head silently "I don't think that but... with Victoria and all them after us and what not-"

"But Jason I'm just trying to help!"

"Alice I know that, baby. Just stay close to me. Alright?" I nodded my head and smiled. "Good." He kissed me softly and smiled. "Xaivier has just kinda lost his mind since we ran away for so long."

I shrug my shoulder and gesture towards the bushes "I'll just go pick some berries," He nods his head and I sprint off.

Tears had been stinging at my eyes since I heard Xaivier talk about me. I can't let Jason see me cry. A few tears roll down my cheek and send little shoots of warmth through me. I just can't see how I was getting in the way. I know I'm weak and short and nearly defenseless but, I can be good for other things.

I pull of a branch of berries and strip it of its delicious fruit and wipe away a few tears. Xaivier is like my best friend. How could he ever think that? I look up at the horizon and see that the sun is at its peak, but its covered almost immediately by large snow clouds. I can already feel the cold winds starting up and I shiver vigorously. I just brush the thought of the cold away and keep pulling blueberries off the snow-covered bushes and add then to the basket. My fingers were slowly turning blue as I kept pulling off berries. All I think is about the warm fire that Jason probably started up back at the cave. I can't take the cold anymore. I pick up the basket and make my way back to camp. I breath slowly through my mouth and cold little white wisps come out. I wipe away the last of my tears as I come into the clearing.

I walk over to the cave and hear the steady crackle of the fire. It fills me with warmth as I feel the warm embrace of Jason behind me. I smile and look straight ahead to see Xaivier curled up... sound asleep. I laugh as I watch his almost motionless body. Jason and I sit down next to the fire and begin eating some of the soft berries.

Hours must have passed with us laying there together. Jason fell into a deep dark sleep a few hours ago. I sat there alone in the warm, damp cave huddled up. I looked at the fire and saw that it was beginning to die down. I stood up and carefully walked out to the edge of the cave. Snow was falling in steady even sheets. All the wood wouldn't be able to burn if its damp. When I walked back, all I could think was: How were they survivng? As months went by they had to of needed to make fire for warmth and only had damp wood. Why did they run off anyways...

Then it hit me. Xaivier said that I was holding them back. Victoria said I was too weak. I knew what I had to do. There was only one thing clear in my foggy mind. I needed to strengthen myself. But to do this... I had to run away from Jason and Xaivier.

The Enchanted Woods: book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin