Chapter 9

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Chapter IX


Tears spring out at the edges of my eyes. I tilt my head back, trying to stop the flow of blood pouring out. Rain was still lightly drizzling from above. The raindrops landed on my hot face providing it with a sweet, subtle cooling sensation. Everything was so cold lately, but the weather outside was steadily getting warmer as days go on...

I walk on like this for a few minutes before the blood begins to slow down steadily. I find myself further out in the woods than I had hoped, but I keep going anyways. The night was freezing cold. Goosebumps run up my arms as a gust of chilled wind sweeps through. There wasn't as much snow as there had been a day or so ago. But still a significant enough amount to make me sink deep into it. Pain overcomes me once again and I stagger over to a tree stump and ease myself down.

"Hey," a chilling voice says softly. I freeze for a second before turning around to see Jason standing above me.

"J-Jason..." I mutter, getting back up to my feet.

"Oh, don't be scared Alice," he extends a strong hand to me, "Just take my hand and everything will be better. We will leave your--friends-- alone and help you find a way to get Sappire back." he says smoothly, taking a step closer to me. I am so scared, I don't even try to step away.

Slowly, the space seperating us gets smaller-- and smaller and smaller. Soon our faces were just inches apart. I feel something inside me soften as I look deep into his eyes. I see his eyes flicker down and glance at my lips. Gently, our lips lock together passionately. Something warm sparks inside of me. I feel like my heart is doing flips inside me. Then, suddenly, that spark is extinguished as I remember Austin back at the camp. I try to pull away, but he take one of his hands and puts it on the back of my neck, keeping me from moving back any further. It is as if his lips are hypnotizing mine into wanting to kiss him. My breathing starts becoming heavier as our lips dance together. He pulls away for a second and gently pushes me up against the nearest tree. He looks into my eyes again briefly before leaning forward and pressing his lips against mine. There was some kind of battle going on within me; trying to decide on whether I love Austin or Jason was so difficult. But at this time the spark ignites itself once again inside me. I could feel it starting to burn brighter as the kiss drew on longer. It was like a wildfire starting up inside my heart. It was love. I was wonderstruck in love now. The entire world around me blurred out as I focused in on me and Jason's moment. I felt a dense fog form within my brain. This lasts for several minutes; almost like I pass out. Numbness sprawls itself across my body. The haze of it all... I actually forget what I'm doing for a minute. Then I come back into my focus and realize what I'm doing. When I fully get back into reality I find me on the ground, my shirt off, staring up into Jason's heavy eyes. I blink a few times then push him away, grab my cardigan, slip it on and stand up.

"Stay away from us!" I shout distressed by what had just been happening.

"Can't keep me away forever, Alice!" I hear Jason shout at me from a distance away.

I soon find myself sprinting full-speed back to camp, tears streaming down my face. What the hell was I thinking back there?! Just when I am about to enter I remember that I was enraged at Austin. I feel that anger burn up inside me. But this burning sensation is different from the one I had felt when I almost had sex with Jason just moments ago. Almost... what if I did... It was painful and I didn't quite understand it. Tears roll down my cheeks and I emerge into the clearing quietly and see Austin sitting by a tree a small distance away. His hollow eyes jerk up at the sight of me and I just barely hear a low growl escape his lips before he turns away. I roll my eyes, irritated by his childish behavior. I cross my arms and walk over to another solitary tree. I examine the crystaline icicles hanging from the branches. They are in no pattern; just nature at its best. They seem as though they are rippled in some way. I reach a pale hand up to touch it...

"Where were you..." Austin's voice says behind me stiffly.

I am startled by his sudden appearance and my hand jerks and breaks several icicles off the tree. I feel rage begin to boil in me, but I decide to ignore him. I lean down and pick up the icicles one by one.

"Alice. Where the hell were you," he repeats, this time with a hint of rebellion in his usually soft tone.

"Mind your own business," I mutter, just barely audible.

Another growl escapes from him and I expect that he has turned and left. I let out a sigh and stand up and turn around. My eyes widen at the sight of his face inches away from mine.

"I am not going to take anymore of your crap!" He snarls.

"I said mind your own business!" I say as rage crawls up my throat and into my vocal cords. His hands grip firmly over my wrists.

"Where. Were. You."

"Out," I say with a smart-ass tone.

"Figures you would try to play smart-ass Alice with me," he mutters, pushing me backward. I feel myself hit the tree hard and I flinch from the pain of the sharp, delicate icicles hit my head roughly.

He turns around and takes a few steps away, causing me to let out one more huff. Then a gust of wind blows through again. Austin stops dead in his tracks he turns and I see his nose flared from inhaling the aroma of something.


Jason's cologne...

"You were with Jason..." he says astonished but keeping a straight face.

"What... No," I lie

"I smell him all over you. Did he attack you?"


"Then what happened..." his voice trails off.

I purse my lips tight and begin walking off, leaving the conversation--and my anger-- behind.

"Alice," he says smoothly, "Please, what the hell happened."

"You wanna know?" I say turning around to look him dead in the eye, "Well, him and I almost had sex just a few minutes ago," I tell him with a know-it-all tone. He stares at me, wide eyes. "Maybe we did!" I didn't think his eyes could get any bigger. I was wrong. Suddenly I feel a stabbing pain shoot through my heart and I realize how much my remark hurt him.

I reach a hand out and sofly brush my fingertips over where his heart is. Tears swell up in my own eyes. I didn't mean to hurt him... He pushes my hand back and looks at me, anger swimming within his eyes.

"Fuck you, Alice," he mutters and turns and walks away.

"Austin!" I choke out, "No, please, come back!" my voice cracks and tears begin streaming down my face.

He stops. "You- you just went-went out th-there and..." He lets out a sound of angry discomfort.

"Austin I don't know what was going through me!" I plead.

"Just... what the hell!" he shouts catching Ashlynn and Cole's attention.


"No!" he cuts me off. "No... just stop," he puts a hand up stopping me from talking.

We stand there looking at eachother for what seems like an eternity. Tears still run down my face slowly. He just shakes his head, trying to gather thoughts and process everything. Hesitantly, I reach out and brush his hand with the very tip of mine. I feel something within him soften and he carefully wraps his hand over mine.

How does love work this way? One moment, you are screaming at eachother, fighting. Next moment, you are making out about to have sex. Yeah. Seems totally normal to me...

That's love...

The Enchanted Woods: book 1Where stories live. Discover now