Chapter 13

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Chapter XIII


I clench my fists in anger.

"Of course, you already know that it's my baby, right Austin?" Jason says mockingly.

"She's not your kid. Violet is mine," I turn and face him.

He chuckles menacingly and looks into my eyes. "Are you the one that used your 'powers' to seduce her, put her under a little enchantment and the make her have sex with you?"

"What kind of sick person are you!" Alice shouts, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

"I'm the father of that lovely baby girl," he says with a smirk. "Now Alice, it doesn't have to be this way. You can take my hand," he stretches his hand out, "leave the child behind in the 'safety' of these idiots, and come away with me. Otherwise, she may end up just like Sapphire... DEAD!" he shouts and laughs evily.

I look at Alice and see a hint of thought in her worryful eyes.

"Y-you won't hurt Violet, or any of my friends, if I leave with you?"

"ALICE!" I scream. "NO!"

"I want you to be safe!" she cries. "Violet means the world to me now that I have her. Losing her will be just as bad as Sapphire. I'm tired of this crap..." she places Violet in my hands, turns and faces Jason.

He shakes his hand a little to remind her of what she must do. Alice reaches a hand out, and folds it into his.

"Good," Jason mutters. "Now let's leave."

Alice nods her head and I see fear-filled tears run down her face in tiny streams. She looks at me remorsefully. "I'm sorry," she whispers, just barely audible. "I'm so, so sorry..."

He nudges her down the trail and they walk away slowly.

"NO!" I scream. I want to run but I'm afraid of droping Violet. I manage to walk closer. "Please... Alice," my voice cracks and tears form around my eyes and bubble outward. "No... Alice..."

The silhoutte of Jason and Alice slowly disappears into the woods. I step backwards and slowly turn around and look at Cole and Ashlynn who are sitting by the fire, looking at me in awe.

"She..." Ashlynn begins.

"She's gone," I mutter.

I had never imagined losing Alice. She was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to me. But I lost her to some bastard that treated her like shit before she met me. He abandonned her for months without warning. He came back and turned her into a feline. He took her away to live in the Enchanted Woods-- wait. Alice never knew about the Enchanted Woods and the powers it holds. Why had she never wondered why we never left to go to the real world?

The Enchanted Woods... once your in, you never leave. They... they watch you. They make sure you dont leave. The... the demons.


I walk with Jason along the trail, my hands bounded behind my back by his larger ones gently holding them. Then he stops.

"Why did you come with me?" he says flatly.

I look down, avoiding his gaze. "Th-those people are my f-friends. I c-couldn't risk them getting h-hurt anymore. Especially V-Violet..." I whisper between sobs. He takes a step closer to me and I flinch back in fear.

"Alice..." I feel his eyes gazing down on me. I remain silent and remain looking down. "Alice," he says a little louder and grabs my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

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